The Business School at WPI

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The Business School at WPI

Be the Next STEM-Focused Leader

Our Accreditations

Business School Accreditations

Preview Undergraduate Program Business Students Using Whiteboard

Undergraduate Programs

Entrepreneurial thinking, collaboration across disciplines, and innovative uses of technology.

Preview Graduate Business School Student Giving Presentation

Graduate Programs

There is a pressing need for engineers and scientists with business acumen and management skills.

Preview Business School Faculty Discussing Research Projects

Faculty Research Expertise

Real-world impact that inspires a new generation of makers, leaders, and boundary breakers.

Faculty in the News

Assistant Professor of Marketing Farnoush Reshadi
Sharing Personal Finance Expertise

Farnoush Reshadi

An Assistant Professor of Marketing in the WPI Business School, Farnoush Reshadi’s research focuses on how consumers make financial and health decisions.

Her expertise has been featured in USA Today and Wallet Hub bringing national attention to her work and WPI. 

Student Project

computer football player

Predicting NFL Player Performance

Students analyzed whether data collected during the league’s main scouting event could accurately predict how wide receivers performed during real games


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Donor Profile

man and woman smiling

Trae and Steve Vassallo ’93

These donors committed a seven-figure philanthropic gift to establish the Dr. Helen G. Vassallo Distinguished Presidential Professorship in memory of Steve’s mother.