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Project-Based Learning
A Project-Based Education
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Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions
Financial Aid
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The First-Year Experience
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Common Searches:
Where is WPI?
Interested in Study Abroad?
What research is WPI known for?
What is project-based learning?
Does WPI have sports?
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I expected to participate in any extracurricular activities?
Are all college majors compatible with Army ROTC?
Are application requirements different under the Early Decision plan?
Are beds adjustable in East Hall housing?
Are beds adjustable in Faraday Hall housing?
Are beds adjustable in Founders Hall housing?
Are beds adjustable in Messenger Hall housing?
Are beds adjustable in the WPI Townhouses?
Are beds adjustable in Trowbridge House?
Are classes held in-person, via Zoom, or are the classes held on weekends?
Are financial aid and scholarships available for graduate students at WPI?
Are graduates and faculty required to stay for the entire Commencement?
Are groups available to both undergraduate and graduate students?
Are jobs available on campus for WPI graduate students?
Are merit scholarships offered to Early Decision candidates?
Are there advantages to working with the students at a project center rather than in the traditional classroom setting?
Are there any locations where the WPI shuttle services do not drop off?
Are there any scholarships or fellowships for this degree?
Are there hotels available for families or guests?
Are there in person/on-campus requirements?
Are there other policies guests and graduates should be aware of?
Are there other symptoms besides a rash?
As a first-year student, what options exist for student employment?
As an international student at WPI, can I work on or off campus?
At what point do the students start to interact with their sponsor?
At what point throughout my degree am I eligible for the Capstone project?
Bursar and Financial Aid: What’s the difference?
By enrolling in ROTC, am I joining the Army?
Can attendees take a video and/or photos at the event?
Can beds be bunked in Institute Hall housing?
Can beds be de-lofted in Daniels Hall housing?
Can beds be de-lofted in Morgan Hall housing?
Can beds be de-lofted in Sanford Riley Hall housing?
Can beds be de-lofted in Stoddard Complex housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in East Hall housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Elbridge House?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Ellsworth Apartments housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Faraday Hall housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Founders Hall housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Fuller Apartments housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Hackfield House?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Messenger Hall housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Schussler House?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in South Village Housing?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in the WPI Townhouses?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Trowbridge House?
Can beds be lofted or bunked in Wachusett House?
Can candidates decorate their regalia cap and wear cords/stoles?
Can I be an athlete and be a part of ROTC?
Can I be considered for need-based financial aid as an Early Decision applicant?
Can I bring a car to campus?
Can I change my major?
Can I continue my education beyond the baccalaureate level?
Can I do research outside my major?
Can I do research separate from my MQP? Can I do this before my senior year?
Can I get the monkeypox vaccine?
Can I mail packages to WPI before I move in?
Can I participate in intercollegiate athletics while a member of the Air Force ROTC program?
Can I pursue graduate education after I’m commissioned?
Can I Receive a Scholarship?
Can I remain anonymous when submitting a concern?
Can I work on campus in my first year if I do not have federal work study?
Can Marketing Communications create a PowerPoint or materials for my presentation/event?
Can Marketing Communications edit my staff/faculty profile for me?
Can my family help me move in and attend NSO?
Can the program be open to the surrounding colleges and universities in Worcester?
Can WPI write a letter of support for my family member’s visa application to attend my commencement?
Do groups meet virtually, in person, or both?
Do I have to become a pilot or combat systems officer?
Do I have to cut my hair?
Do I have to go active duty?
Do I have to go to Basic Combat Training?
Do I have to isolate if I have monkeypox?
Do I have to live on campus?
Do I have to major in Aeronautical Science to become a pilot or combat systems officer?
Do I have to register for the Capstone?
Do I have to wear a uniform to class every day?
Do I need to identify an academic advisor, or will one be provided to me?
Do I need to wear a mask?
Do South Village houses have air conditioning?
Do tech suites need to be reserved in East Hall housing?
Do tech suites need to be reserved in Faraday Hall housing?
Do tech suites need to be reserved in Messenger Hall housing?
Do the students work directly with the sponsor or through the Albania faculty?
Do the students work directly with the sponsor or through the Bar Harbor faculty?
Do the students work directly with the sponsor or through the Boston faculty?
Do you personally think that students continue to reflect on their IQP experience down the road?
Do you think students continue to reflect on their IQP experience down the road?
Do you think they continue to reflect on their IQP experience even after they graduate form WPI?
Does College Credit Jumpstart for High Schoolers help my chances of getting admitted to WPI?
Does Daniels Hall housing have air conditioning?
Does Elbridge House have air conditioning?
Does Ellsworth Apartments housing have air conditioning?
Does Founders Hall housing have air conditioning?
Does Fuller Apartments housing have air conditioning?
Does Hackfeld House have air conditioning?
Does Hampton Inn housing have air conditioning?
Does Institute Hall housing have air conditioning?
Does Morgan Hall housing have air conditioning?
Does Sanford Riley Hall housing have air conditioning?
Does Schussler House have air conditioning?
Does Stoddard Complex housing have air conditioning?
Does the DCU have a bag policy?
Does Trowbridge House have air conditioning?
Does Wachusett House have air conditioning?
Does WPI have transportation options?
Does WPI offer accessibility and learning assistance services for graduate students?
Does WPI offer application fee waivers?
Does WPI offer housing for graduate students?
Does WPI offer internship resources for graduate students?
Does WPI offer TA and RA assignments?
Does WPI Townhouses have air conditioning?
Does Foundation Relations offer training on working with funders?
How are new cadets treated?
How big is the WPI Staff Council?
How can I access WPI’s photo directory? Can you take photos at my event?
How can I help my student connect socially on campus?
How can I make sure I do not miss any information regarding Commencement?
How can I protect myself from monkeypox?
How can I register for summer classes?
How can I see my course schedule for a given term?
How can I stay informed and engaged with Staff Council initiatives even if I don’t serve?
How did you see the students change over the entirety of the project?
How different is working with students at a project center vs. in the traditional classroom setting?
How do AP/IB credits transfer? Will they replace certain credits/course requirements?
How do graduate qualifying projects and capstone projects work at WPI?
How do guests get Commencement tickets?
How do I access and set up my WPI account and WPI email?
How do I access classes during isolation?
How do I access my student’s grades and/or bill?
How do I apply for financial aid at WPI?
How do I cancel an event?
How do I create an announcement and add it to my department’s page? Can you feature it in WPI Today or on the homepage?
How do I decide which courses to take?
How do I engage with my student if I think they’re struggling?
How do I find an MQP research project in my major that matches my interests?
How do I find roommates?
How do I get started with the Capstone project?
How do I identify my WPI Advisor?
How do I know if my rash is monkeypox?
How do I know what resources are available for students?
How do I know what textbooks and supplies to purchase?
How do I learn more about the Army in general?
How do I manage my mild symptoms?
How do I obtain my student ID card?
How do I promote my event? Can Marketing Communications help plan it?
How do I protect my idea or invention?
How do I register for FYWE?
How do I register for graduate courses at WPI every semester?
How do I report a concern about a student?
How do I request test scores or requirements waives from WPI? What are the English Proficiency Test requirements?
How do I request waivers for official documents from WPI?
How do I search the expert database?
How do I select a company to work with? Do I need to seek a company or is it provided?
How do I sign up to be an Army ROTC Cadet?
How do I submit accommodation requests and where can I find guidelines?
How do I submit an event request?
How do I support my student’s transition to college?
How do I take my Math and Language placement exams?
How do I update my department webpage or create a new page in Drupal? Can Marketing Communications do it for me?
How do meal plans work?
How do students benefit from Army ROTC?
How do you assist in helping students overcome challenges they face at the project center?
How do you define success for the students at the completion of a GQP?
How do you define success for the students at the completion of an IQP in Albania?
How do you define success for the students at the completion of an IQP in Bar Harbor?
How do you define success for the students at the completion of an IQP in Boston?
How do you interact with the students while at the Albania project center?
How do you interact with the students while at the Bar Harbor project center?
How do you interact with the students while at the Boston project center?
How do you measure success?
How do you see the students change over the entirety of the Albania project experience?
How do you see the students change over the entirety of the Bar Harbor project experience?
How do you see the students change over the entirety of the Boston project experience?
How do you treat monkeypox?
How does a student obtain housing? How does housing selection work?
How does college credit work?
How does commuting to this project center contribute to the distinctive experience for the students?
How does confidentiality work?
How does WPI handle limited submission proposals?
How does WPI help the students prepare for their travel to Boston?
How does WPI help the students prepare for their travel?
How exactly does the IQP experience work?
How is my Math Placement determined?
How is the Student Commencement Speaker chosen?
How long do groups typically meet?
How long do Staff Council members serve?
How long does a monkeypox infection last?
How long does it take for a request to be processed?
How long is the Commencement Ceremony?
How long will the program take to complete?
How many classes will I take? What is a typical first-year student schedule?
How many courses are offered during the summer term?
How many courses should a student take?
How many credits is the program? What is the cost per credit?
How many student staff members are in Daniels Hall?
How many student staff members are in East Hall?
How many student staff members are in Elbridge House?
How many student staff members are in Ellsworth Apartments?
How many student staff members are in Faraday Hall?
How many student staff members are in Founders Hall?
How many student staff members are in Fuller Apartments?
How many student staff members are in Hackfield House?
How many student staff members are in Institute Hall?
How many student staff members are in Messenger Hall?
How many student staff members are in Morgan Hall?
How many student staff members are in Sanford Riley Hall?
How many student staff members are in Schussler House?
How many student staff members are in Stoddard Complex?
How many student staff members are in the WPI Townhouses?
How many student staff members are in Trowbridge House?
How many student staff members will be in Hampton Inn?
How many students is a project advisor typically advising?
How much funding can I apply for?
How much homework, reading etc., should I expect on average per week?
How much marching and drilling will I have to do?
How much should I expect my student’s bill to be?
How much time do I have to spend with Air Force ROTC each week?
How much time does a project advisor typically spend with a team at a project center?
How often do former students contact you to reflect on their experience?
How should we address any stigma around monkeypox?
How will I do my laundry on campus?
How will I know you received my CARE referral?
How will I receive my funding?
How will the WPI Staff Council be organized?
How will the WPI Staff Council represent the staff?
I am a student athlete. Do I need to submit different/additional medical forms?
I am a transfer student. Will I be living with first-year students?
I am an international student. When should I arrive on campus?
I am not sure if I will need the same accommodations I have previously received. Should I wait to make these requests?
I am partnering with colleagues at another institution, can your office still help me?
I applied Early Action and would like to switch to Early Decision. Can I?
I completed a CARE referral, but the behavior is continuing, what do I do?
I do not have 20/20 vision. Can I still fly?
I have a donor who is interested in making an in-kind gift to WPI. Does your office assist with these gifts?
I have a great story to share or a newsletter I want to start, can Marketing Communications cover it/write it?
I have questions about billing. Who should I reach out to at WPI?
I have questions about my financial aid. How do I get in contact with someone?
I have questions about the Space Force. Where can I find more information?
I have questions concerning Air Force ROTC scholarships. What’s the best resource?
I need to make a change to my event – what do I do?
I never received an email confirmation – how do I make sure my request is in the queue?
I received notification that I'm eligible for a MA Grant (or VT or PA Grant) why isn't it in my award?
I want to decline some of the loans or work study in my offer, how do I do that?
I want to defer my admittance. How do I do this?
I want to have an event on campus, but I’m not a WPI student, staff, or faculty member. How can I do that?
I want to promote my department and/or event on social media. How do I get started?
I want to talk to my student’s professor(s).
I would like to capture registration for my event – can that be done in 25Live?
I'm a newly accepted student, how do I accept my financial aid offer?
I'm a returning student (rising SO, JR or SR) what do I need to do to apply for aid and when will I receive my offer?
I'm applying for aid and my parents are divorced and the Non-Custodial parent application cannot be completed what can I do?
If graduates do not attend Commencement, how do graduates get their diplomas?
If I do not meet WPI’s test score requirements, can I still apply?
If I have federal work study, what is the process for applying for an on-campus job?
If I leave something on the WPI shuttle, who do we contact?
If I report underage drug or alcohol abuse, will I get my student/friend/peer in trouble?
If I am already working with a private funder, should I still contact Foundation Relations?
If my program is reoccurring, will my program be funded more than once?
Is a meal plan required in East Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required for residents of Hampton Inn housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Daniels Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Elbridge House?
Is a residential meal plan required in Ellsworth Apartments housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Faraday Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Founders Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Fuller Apartments housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Hackfeld House?
Is a residential meal plan required in Institute Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Messenger Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Morgan Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Sanford Riley Hall housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Schussler House?
Is a residential meal plan required in South Village Housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Stoddard Complex housing?
Is a residential meal plan required in Trowbridge House?
Is a residential meal plan required in Wachusett House?
Is a residential meal plan required in WPI Townhouses?
Is Early Decision the same as Early Action?
Is it fine if a project evolves or changes in scope over time?
Is it ok if a project evolves or changes in scope over time?
Is it okay if a project evolves or changes in scope over time?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in East Hall housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Elbridge House?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Ellsworth Apartments housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Faraday Hall housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Founders Hall housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Fuller Apartments housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Hackfield House?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Schussler House?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in South Village Housing?
Is kitchenware (pots, pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in Trowbridge House?
Is kitchenware (pots,pans, silverware, etc.) provided for residents in the WPI Townhouses?
Is OpenSTEM for educators or students?
Is the Math Placement Exam required?
Is the work and research I do at WPI shareable with my employer?
Is there a rehearsal for Commencement?
Is there a test for monkeypox?
Is there an advantage of working with students at a project center vs. in the traditional classroom setting?
Is there flexibility in the schedule?
Is transportation provided?
I’d like to use some branded materials for my event, how do I get them?
I’m a faculty/staff member, but all I see for event types are Student options. What do I do?
I’m concerned about my student; who should I tell?
I’m having technical issues with my WPI graduate degree application. Who should I contact?
I’m in a student organization and am trying to plan an event – how do I get access to book for my organization?
I’m new to campus or not familiar with many of the locations – how do I know what to request?
I need a small grant of less than $50,000 for things related to my teaching and/or research. Will you be able to help me?
Launch Commuter times
May I appeal any changes made to my financial aid package based on NR courses?
May I apply on my own if I already know the funder?
Must a student go on active duty in the Air Force immediately following graduation and commissioning?
My foundation will only support 501c3 organizations. Is WPI a 501c3?
My parents are divorced / separated and they share custody, which is considered the Noncustodial Parent?
My student is expecting a refund. How do they get it to their bank account?
My student might need to take a leave of absence. Where should I start?
On what basis are scholarship winners chosen?
Should I buy all of my textbooks as soon as possible?
The date that I want is blacked out. Can I still have my meeting/event?
What academic supports are there for my student?
What accommodations are available to students?
What activates and experiences are available at WPI and in the surrounding area?
What are Military Science Classes like?
What are the admission requirements?
What are the age limits for a cadet to compete for a pilot or combat systems officer position?
What are the amenities in Daniels Hall housing?
What are the amenities in East Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Elbridge House?
What are the amenities in Faraday Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Founders Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Hackfield House?
What are the amenities in Hampton Inn housing?
What are the amenities in Institute Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Messenger Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Morgan Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Sanford Riley Hall housing?
What are the amenities in Schussler House?
What are the amenities in South Village Housing?
What are the amenities in Stoddard Complex housing?
What are the amenities in the Ellsworth Apartments complex?
What are the amenities in the Fuller Apartments complex?
What are the amenities in the WPI Townhouses?
What are the amenities in Trowbridge House?
What are the amenities in Wachusett House?
What are the application requirements and how can I apply?
What are the arrangements for guests with ADA seating needs?
What are the available concentration areas?
What are the benefits of the IQP experience for the students?
What are the career outcomes for my program at WPI?
What are the financial impacts of an NR?
What are the general curriculum requirements?
What are the options for meal plans?
What are the program policies? What does the refund policy look like?
What are the requirements for work study jobs?
What are the residence halls like?
What are the residency requirements?
What are the weight and fitness standards?
What are the WPI graduate school application requirements for my program of interest?
What are the WPI shuttle services?
What can my funding be used towards?
What colleges does Bay State Battalion accept students from?
What counts as Intellectual Property for me as a WPI student?
What do graduates need to do once they arrive?
What do I need to do if I’m an international student?
What do you find rewarding about the experience as a project advisor?
What do you personally get out of the experience of a project advisor?
What do you see as the most beneficial aspect of WPI's project-based learning approach to education?
What does concerning student behavior look like? How do I know when to say something?
What does it mean to become contracted Cadet?
What does online learning look like at WPI?
What does Physical Training (PT) consist of?
What does Residential Services do?
What entrance at the DCU Center should we enter through?
What exactly makes the off-campus IQP experience distinctive for the student?
What happens after I Commission?
What happens after I refer a student to the CARE Team?
What happens if I'm not accepted during Early Decision?
What if I am nominated and prefer not to join the Staff Council?
What if I can't afford to attend WPI after being accepted under an Early Decision plan?
What if I created my idea or invention independent of WPI but I want WPI to cover the patent application costs?
What if I created my idea or invention using significant resources without a faculty member and want to pursue it on my own?
What if I created my idea or invention with a WPI faculty member?
What if I have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in school?
What if I want to collaborate with a company on my idea or invention?
What if my idea or invention is independent of WPI
What is FERPA? What does it mean for me?
What is Graduation week?
What is intellectual property at WPI?
What is monkeypox?
What is my service commitment once I commission?
What is provided for furniture in Messenger Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Daniels Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in East Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Elbridge House?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Ellsworth Apartments housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Faraday Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Founders Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Fuller Apartments housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Hackfield House?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Hampton Inn housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Institute Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Morgan Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Sanford Riley Hall housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Schussler House?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in South Village Housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Stoddard Complex housing?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in the WPI Townhouses?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Trowbridge House?
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Wachusett House?
What is the application process?
What is the Bursar’s Office?
What is the commitment to the Air Force upon graduation?
What is the configuration of Stoddard Complex housing?
What is the difference between sponsored research and a gift?
What is the graduate tuition at WPI?
What is the history of the project center and the sponsor relationship with Acadia National Park?
What is the name of the WPI shuttle services app and what are the steps after it’s downloaded?
What is the OpenSTEM difference?
What is the process for choosing housing?
What is the role of faculty advisor at a project center?
What is the role of the faculty advisor at a project center?
What is the role of the faculty advisor for GQPs?
What is the role of the Office of Foundation Relations?
What is the summer schedule for e-term at WPI?
What is the tuition for e-term summer courses?
What is the typical size of a group?
What is the typical weekly schedule?
What is your role in the work the students do prior to leaving for Albania?
What is “significant use” of WPI resources?
What kind of clubs can I join? Are there things to do in Worcester?
What kind of computer should I bring?
What kind of expertise and resources does WPI bring to this?
What kind of salary and benefits will I earn as a commissioned Army Officer?
What life skills do you impart upon the students along the way?
What makes Army ROTC different from regular college management courses?
What makes the off-campus IQP experience distinctive for the student?
What makes the off-campus project-based experience at WPI different from a typical study abroad program elsewhere?
What medical forms do I need to submit?
What parking and/or transit options are available for graduates and guests?
What preparatory work do the students do for their project prior to traveling to Bar Harbor?
What preparatory work do the students do for their project prior to traveling to Boston?
What preparatory work do you require the students to do for their project?
What should I ask my advisor about research opportunities?
What should I do if I have severe symptoms?
What should I do if I test positive for monkeypox?
What should I do if I think I have monkeypox?
What should I do if I’m a close contact?
What should I expect from private funding proposals/applications?
What should I pack?
What should we expect on Closing Day?
What should we expect on Move-In/Move-Out day?
What should we expect on Opening Day?
What specifically do you find rewarding about the experience as a project advisor?
What tasks are students required to complete to participate in Commencement?
What type of building are Ellsworth Apartments?
What type of building is Daniels Hall?
What type of building is East Hall?
What type of building is Elbridge House?
What type of building is Faraday Hall?
What type of building is Founders Hall?
What type of building is Fuller Apartments?
What type of building is Hackfeld House?
What type of building is Hampton Inn?
What type of building is Institute Hall?
What type of building is Messenger Hall?
What type of building is Morgan Hall?
What type of building is Sanford Riley Hall?
What type of building is Schussler House?
What type of building is Trowbridge House?
What type of building is Wachusett House?
What type of buildings are in the WPI Townhouse complex?
What type of buildings are South Village Housing?
What type of room layout are the WPI Townhouse apartments for undergraduate students?
What type of students will be enrolled in summer courses?
What types of events and programs are funded?
What types of research are required for this degree?
What was your role in the launch of the Albania Project Center?
What wellness resources are available on campus?
What will Staff Council members do?
What's the biggest challenge you see the students facing in Albania?
What's the biggest challenge you see the students facing in Bar Harbor?
What's the biggest challenge you see the students facing in Boston?
What's the difference between a traditional academic advisor and a project center advisor?
What's the Early Decision Agreement form?
What's the goal of the preparatory work?
What’s are the biggest challenges for the students as they go through the experience together?
What’s important to know about the academic schedule at WPI?
When can I enroll in the capstone?
When did the Albania Project Center open and how many students have traveled to this center?
When did the Boston project center open?
When do I actually receive my commission as an Air Force officer?
When do I know what job I will be doing for the Air Force as an officer?
When do I need to complete my Capstone?
When do I need to pay my tuition bill?
When do I register for classes?
When do I select my course for College Credit Jumpstart?
When do I send my final high school transcript?
When do the students start to interact with their sponsor?
When is move-in day and the first day of classes?
When is New Student Orientation?
When is the deadline for WPI graduate degree applications?
When picking up regalia, do I need my student ID?
When should a foundation contact the Office of Foundation Relations?
When should I contact the Office of Foundation Relations?
When should I expect to receive my I-20 information from WPI?
When will graduates learn more about Commencement exercises?
When will graduates receive their diploma?
When will I receive my decision from WPI?
When will I receive my housing assignment?
Where are the WPI shuttle service stops located?
Where can I find directions to campus?
Where can I find guidelines for my writing or webpage content?
Where can I host my program?
Where do I find my Academic Advisor’s contact information?
Where do I find my Student ID number?
Where do I send my AP/IB credits?
Where should I direct my questions about paying my bill?
Where should I plan to meet my graduate at the conclusion of the ceremony?
Where will graduates be seated?
Which graduate courses should I take at WPI?
Which students will be living in South Village Housing?
Which students will be living in Wachusett House house?
Who benefits from OpenSTEM?
Who can I talk to about housing accommodations and my specific housing needs?
Who do I contact about pending transfer credits?
Who do I contact to discuss a schedule change?
Who establishes priorities for fundraising and grant requests at the university?
Who is a close contact?
Who is at risk for contracting monkeypox?
Who is eligible?
Who is not able to serve on the Staff Council?
Who is the Executive PhD designed for?
Who is WPI, and why are they able to create OpenSTEM?
Who lives in Daniels Hall housing?
Who lives in East Hall housing?
Who lives in Elbridge House housing?
Who lives in Ellsworth Apartments housing?
Who lives in Faraday Hall housing?
Who lives in Founders Hall housing?
Who lives in Fuller Apartments housing?
Who lives in Hackfeld House housing?
Who lives in Institute Hall housing?
Who lives in Messenger Hall housing?
Who lives in Morgan Hall housing?
Who lives in Sanford Riley Hall housing?
Who lives in Schussler House housing?
Who lives in Stoddard Complex housing?
Who lives in Trowbridge House housing?
Who lives in WPI Townhouses?
Who processes my financial aid?
Who should consider applying Early Decision?
Who will live in Hampton Inn housing?
Why apply Early Decision?
Why can’t I register for WPI graduate courses?
Why do I get an error trying to book something for today or tomorrow?
Why do I need to provide Workday account information?
Why does WPI’s leadership in global project-based learning matter to OpenSTEM?
Why is Albania a good project center location?
Why is Bar Harbor a good project center location?
Why is OpenSTEM necessary?
Why is this a good project center location?
Why should I choose Army ROTC over a different branch's ROTC?
Why should I consider serving on the Staff Council?
Why should I engage with the Office of Foundation Relations?
Will I be behind my fellow nonmilitary graduates after I complete my service obligation and decide to get out?
Will I get a mentor that helps me through the capstone project experience?
Will I get an update about the student and the concern?
Will I get paid for my research?
Will I need to take a medical exam?
Will I receive the amount of funding that I requested?
Will my financial aid change if I take an NR?
Will my test results remain confidential?
Will the Ceremony be postponed due to the weather?
Will the Commencement Ceremony be livestreamed and/or recorded?
Would I need to take the GRE or GMAT?