Mathematical Sciences

Professor at front of classroom writing on Whiteboard

Known for our distinguished faculty, interdisciplinary breadth, focus on applied mathematics research, and strong connections to industry, the WPI Mathematical Sciences Department prepares students to solve 21st century problems with cutting-edge technical skills and creativity.

Our diverse undergraduate and graduate programs bring together enthusiastic faculty, postdoctoral scholars, industry experts, and students who are making discoveries and advancing knowledge and applications across a broad range of areas.

The department is as old as the university itself and has experienced dynamic growth and gained international recognition for diverse research initiatives while maintaining a friendly community that supports the unique goals of each student.


Areas of Study

To learn more about a degree program, click on a corresponding black button in the table below.

Degree is also offered online.
Area of Study Bachelor Minor Master PhD
Actuarial Mathematics bachelor
Applied Mathematics master
Applied Statistics master
Industrial Mathematics master
Mathematical Sciences bachelor phd
Mathematics minor
Mathematics for Educators (MME) master
Mathematics for Educators (MMED) master
Statistics minor phd

Career Outlook

As mathematics and statistics are everywhere, so too are WPI’s Mathematical Sciences graduates. With WPI’s unique project-based model combining theoretical learning with practical application, as well as collaboration between students and faculty working on well-funded research projects, graduates are in demand across a diversity of industries in addition to academia. Find out more about the career trajectories of alumni in our program areas

Preview MQP PPD 2022

Undergraduate Research Projects Showcase

A celebration of research, design, and creative theses—a requirement of every graduating senior through the Major Qualifying Project (MQP)—takes place each spring on campus. Student teams representing all academic departments present their work to their faculty advisors, external sponsors, and the community-at-large, and the public is invited.

From WPI's University Magazine

women standing in a group

A WIN-Win: Girls Talk Math

Working to ensure WIN has the greatest impact on the women of WPI and beyond is no easy feat, but through pooling philanthropic gifts, WIN has awarded a total of $1.6 million to deserving WPI students, faculty, and staff since its inception in 2016.

Student Spotlight

Abigail Rose Drumm, PhD
Abigail Rose Drumm, PhD
PhD in Mathematical Sciences

Abigail explores the varied ways math and engineering connect through her research projects and academic opportunities. [...]

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Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics

The Mathematical Sciences Department is home to the Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS), a resource that serves as a bridge between academia and industry, bringing together students, faculty members, and corporate partners to solve real-world problems involving sophisticated mathematics.

Open Positions

We encourage you to be part of the Math Department. See our open job opportunities.