Computing Resources

Stratton Computer Lab

Computer Lab

The Mathematical Sciences Calculus Lab is located in Stratton Hall 116 and is used primarily for the lab based instruction in conjunction with the Math Department's Calculus program. The lab is equipped with 21 computers plus one teaching station. A wide variety of academic software including Maple, Matlab, MikTeX, and SAS are available on each computer.


MATLAB Resources

LaTeX and Windows

To LaTeX under Windows you will need 3 pieces of software, all of which can obtained without cost:

Once you have installed all necessary applications, you will use the Tex editor to edit your LaTeX document, and then you will be able to build and output it to any combination of dvi, ps, and pdf files.

LaTeX and Macs

To LaTeX on a Mac, download and install MacTeX.

Web based LaTeX 

There are also web based, platform neutral, services that will allow you to LaTeX without installing LaTeX software on your local machine.
Examples of these are Overleaf and Papeeria. There may be a cost involved with these services.

Printing Information:

Information on printing to department printers can be found at;