Math Tutoring Center (MTC)

Location: Stratton Hall 206


Location: Stratton Hall
Phone: 508-831-5241

MTC Hours; 

Monday-Thursday 11am-5pm

Friday 10am-2pm

The Math Tutoring Center is closed for break. It will reopen on Wednesday, January 15th.

The Math Tutoring Center (MTC) offers WPI students individualized assistance with all math-related questions and coursework.  The MTC is staffed by Mathematical Sciences Department TAs (PhD Students) and PLAs (Undergraduate Students), who are here to assist students from many different classes with math-related questions.

We are now located in Stratton 206!

If you have any questions please contact

Are you looking for help in a specific math course? Use this schedule to find a time when there is a tutor available who specializes in that course!

students studying in math tutoring center
students studying in math tutoring center
students studying in math tutoring center
students studying in math tutoring center
students studying in math tutoring center