Faculty & Staff

Department Leadership

The Department Head responsibilities include overseeing the operation of the department, the development of Mathematical Sciences faculty, and the quality of the programs and facilities within Mathematical Sciences. The Associate Department Head's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, matters related to Mathematical Sciences transfer credit requests and course scheduling. Professor Gu Wang is currently serving as the Associate Department Head.

Sarah Olson
William Steur Professor & Department Head, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8314940

At WPI, I enjoy teaching all courses fundamental to applied mathematics, scientific computing, and modeling. I look forward to mentoring students interested in working on areas in Mathematical Biology, Computational Biofluids, and Scientific Computing. I specialize in Mathematical Biology, understanding emergent properties of complex systems. The goals of these models are to understand the underlying biological processes and make predictions. Please visit my website to learn more about recent research projects.

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Gu Wang
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316137

My research is in the field of Mathematical Finance, which aims at building probabilistic models that provide insights into the behavior of financial market participants, and developing the underlying mathematical theories. My work focuses on the optimal investment and consumption policies in various market settings. I received my Ph.D. in Mathematics from Boston University in 2013, and spend the next two years in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor as a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, before joining WPI as a tenure track Assistant Professor. I enjoy teaching financial and ...

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Mathematical Sciences Faculty

Jon Abraham
Professor of Practice, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316123

Teaching has evolved into a second career for me. After working for over 25 years as an actuary, I came to WPI a few years back, and have loved every minute of it! I provide insight to my students about working as an actuary, as well as convey a real world sense of urgency and connection to what we are doing in the classroom. I particularly enjoy the academic cycle – getting a fresh start every fall term, and seeing a new batch of enthusiastic first year students arriving on campus. It is really rewarding watching them learn and grow, and moving on to begin building their own successful ...

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Andrea Arnold
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316825

My research focuses on inverse problems and uncertainty quantification, incorporating elements of applied and computational mathematics, statistics, and scientific computing.  Broadly speaking, inverse problems involve finding the unknown causes of observed effects, and uncertainty quantification plays a key role in understanding the reliability of predicted effects due to variability in the causes.  In the problems that I consider, these causes are typically the unknown inputs (or parameters) of a system, and the effects are some partial, noisy observations of the system components.  The ...

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Jeffrey Barden
Adjunct Instructor/Lecturer, Graduate & Professional Studies

 Jeffrey Barden teaches mathematics in the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies.  His research interests are in computational and analytical approaches to mathematical modeling, the numerical solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations, accelerated root-finding and fixed point algorithms, and the development of adaptive multiple integral quadrature techniques with error control.  

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Francesca Bernardi
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8314183

I am an applied mathematician working in the fields of small-scale fluid mechanics and microfluidics. My research includes both mathematical modeling and physical experiments. In particular, I am interested in particle and solute transport in small-scale systems, such as municipal water filtration facilities. I am the PI of the FMNTS Lab - Small-scale Fluid Mechanics and Transport Lab hosted at LEAP. I enjoy teaching courses fundamental to applied mathematics and modeling, and I look forward to mentoring students on projects both in and outside the lab. I am very active in ...

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Marcel Blais
Professor of Teaching, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315677

I am a Professor of Teaching in the WPI Department of Mathematical Sciences and have been a faculty member at WPI since 2005.  I teach courses in the areas of operations research, financial mathematics, calculus, and actuarial mathematics.  I enjoy teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses, and in particular I love showing students why the mathematics we study is important and relevant. I work closely with industry partners in advising student projects, through the WPI FinTech Collaborative and Wall Street / FinTech Project Center and the WPI Center ...

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Fatemeh Emdad
Teaching Professor, Data Science

Phone: +1 (508) 8315000 x5303

Professor Fatemeh Emdad completed her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics with a concentration in Applied Mathematics at Colorado State University. She is the recipient of the top-ranked student academic award from the President of Shiraz University. She is the author of the book High Dimensional Data Analysis and more than 20 journal and conference articles. She completed her postdoctoral degree with the University of Texas Medical Branch and Shriners Hospital for Children Burn Unit when she was the NIH postdoctoral scientist fellow (under Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award from ...

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Joseph Fehribach

Phone: +1 (508) 8315069

Professor Fehribach has taught and led mathematical research efforts at WPI since 1992. If you are interested in his work, please contact him directly. His research works with Kirchhoff graphs, representing that the null and row spaces of a matrix are orthogonal complements. When the matrix is the stoichiometric matrix for a chemical reaction network, the Kirchhoff graph is effectively a circuit diagram for that reaction network.

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Dana Ferranti
Assistant Research Professor, Provost

Phone: +1 (508) 8316449

I'm an assistant research professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences working with Dr. Sarah Olson. I received my PhD in Mathematics at Tulane University in August 2023. My current research interests are in the field of numerical methods for Stokes flows (viscosity dominated fluids.) I am also interested in biological applications of these methods. For more information, please visit my personal website.

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Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

My research seeks to apply causal inference and data science methods to intensive longitudinal data while addressing issues of missingness, non-stationarity, and latent variables. This work is motivated by mobile studies that employ wearable devices or smartphones to collect data and applications to improve understanding of mental health and health disparities. I am passionate about increasing accessibility and diversity in the field of statistics. Please visit my website to learn more about my research and teaching. 

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John Goulet
Adjunct Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315036

Teaching at WPI is a great opportunity to help incoming freshmen make the transition from high school to college as well as gain the pleasure and satisfaction that higher education can bring. Further, the WPI Plan is a unique approach to education, and John brings both enthusiasm and a special perspective as one of its first graduates. He appreciates the great people the students are and assists them into making mathematics a successful part of their start. He does this in a number of ways, including an outcomes approach to teaching and a careful eye on what their future courses and projects ...

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Arthur Heinricher

Phone: +1 (508) 8315397

Arthur Heinricher is Interim Provost and Senior Vice President, as well as a Professor of Mathematical Sciences. Previously the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, he was responsible for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of all aspects of the undergraduate experience at WPI, providing leadership and working with the faculty to implement new undergraduate curricular and structural changes. Together with the Dean of Students, he works to ensure an appropriate balance and synergy between academics and student life. In 2012, Heinricher led the university’s self-study working with faculty and ...

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Mayer Humi

Phone: +1 (508) 8315213

I am a mathematical physicist working on the development and application of mathematical methods to atmospheric research and satellites orbits. As part of this research, I am also developing new methods for the use of symmetry principles to solve differential equations. I have taught a broad spectrum of applied math courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels.

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Michael Johnson
Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

At WPI I have taught a variety of courses ranging from Calculus, Statistics, and Probability at the undergraduate and graduate level.  With help from the ATC (Academic Technology Center) I use course capturing to record my lectures and keep an eye on advances in technology to aid student learning. I completed my PhD in Economics at Clark University in October 2012. My dissertation explored theoretical models for free and open source software. Analysis of two-sided markets (programmers and users) and motives for code forking (a split in the programmer community) were highlighted in separate ...

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Christopher Larsen

Phone: +1 (508) 8316124

The evolution of defects in materials present very interesting mathematical challenges.  My research focuses on improving mathematical models for material defects and advancing mathematical methods for studying them. Of particular interest are the growing lower-dimensional surfaces found in fracture mechanics.  There are many open questions here, and my projects involve postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates, as well as other mathematicians and collaborators from other fields.  

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Sijing Liu
Post-Doctoral Scholar, Mathematical Sciences

My research lies in the fields of numerical analysis and scientific computing within the broader field of computational mathematics. Specifically, I am interested in finite element methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, multigrid methods, and PDE-constrained optimizations, particularly in optimal control problems with PDE constraints, as well as fluid-structure interaction (FSI).

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Konstantin Lurie

Phone: +1 (508) 8315293

Konstantin's research has, since the early '60s, been focused on optimal control of distributed systems, specifically, on optimal material design. The journal papers and books he published since laid a solid foundation of this discipline, as we know it today. The need for optimal design comes from everyday life and from various technological requirements that put forth numerous challenges demanding better quality, less weight, lower cost, faster operation, etc. Today, these demands cannot be addressed on intuitive basis alone, as was true through centuries of world civilization, but appear to ...

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Oren Mangoubi
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316881

I design and analyze optimization and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms, with provable runtime, robustness, and privacy guarantees for applications in Machine Learning,  Data Science, and Statistics.  In doing so, I aim to introduce new mathematical tools from physics and geometry to the design and analysis of optimization and sampling algorithms used in ML. I am especially interested in Markov chain and stochastic gradient-based optimization and sampling algorithms.  These algorithms are used to rapidly explore a high-dimensional or non-convex function or probability ...

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William Martin

Phone: +1 (508) 8316764

Bill Martin's goal is to find mathematical research projects that lie between beautiful and powerful mathematical theory, on the one hand, and pressing technological applications, on the other. This effort requires one to keep abreast of both mathematical developments and applications in computer science and engineering. Professor Martin's mathematical research is in the area of algebraic combinatorics, where tools from linear and abstract algebra are applied to problems in discrete math. An association scheme is a collection of graphs, which give rise to a highly structured matrix algebra ...

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Post-Doctoral Scholar, Mathematical Sciences

I am a Postdoctoral fellow at Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Mathematical Sciences Department in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. Previous to that, I worked as a visiting assistant professor at UC Santa Barbara's Department of Probability and Statistics from 2021 to 2024 and as a postdoctoral fellow at the Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) at UC Berkeley from 2018 to 2021. My research intersects theoretical, applied, and engineering approaches in data science for financial markets. I am particularly interested in asset pricing theory, sustainable and energy finance, ...

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Andre Nachbin
Harold J. Gay Professorship, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316139

My research focuses on several aspects of partial differential equations: mathematical modelling, theory and scientific computing. All motivated by a concrete application. I am particularly interested in waves in fluids. I enjoy very much teaching and interacting with students. I have supervised many PhD and MSc students: https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=33196 A short Bio follows:  MSc in Civil Eng. (Federal Univ. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1983), PhD in Mathematics (Courant Institute-NYU 1989); Instructor, Math. Dept. (Ohio State Univ. 1989-1992); Assistant Prof., ...

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Randy Paffenroth
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316562

My research focuses on compressed sensing, machine learning, signal processing, and the interaction between mathematics, computer science and software engineering. My interests range from theoretical results to algorithms for tackling practical applied problems, and I enjoy problems most when mathematical results lead to efficient software implementations for big data. I am looking forward to working with students at all levels and backgrounds who share an interest in mathematics, software, or data. Some problems that have captured my interest include network analysis for cyber defense, and ...

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Buddika Peiris
Associate Professor of Teaching, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315940

Teaching is an art. It is something you develop within yourself. It needs hard work, time, creativity and dedication. Giving clear and understandable lectures, facilitating group activities, and interacting with students are all important parts of my teaching. My objectives as a statistics educator are: (1) to teach students about statistical tools and how to use them correctly, (2) to expose students to the structure of statistical analysis, and (3) to teach students how to communicate statistical results and concepts to a variety of audiences. These objectives apply to all courses I teach, ...

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Guanying Peng
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8314891

My research interests include nonlinear partial differential inclusions (PDEs), calculus of variations, and applied mathematics. Specifically, I am interested in applying techniques from nonlinear PDEs and calculus of variations to understand complex singularity structures in problems arising from materials science (e.g. liquid crystals, thin films, superconductors) and continuum mechanics. These problems are highly interdisciplinary, and their study often requires the development of new mathematical tools. Such mathematical investigations also contribute to a deeper fundamental understanding ...

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Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8314847

My areas of concentration are teaching courses for Actuarial Mathematics and advising actuarial math students. Students with interests in investments (options, volatility trading, etc) are encouraged to approach me with ideas for MQPs. In addition, I have IQP opportunities for students interested in local history.

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Adam Sales
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316143

My research in applied statistics focuses on methods for causal inference using large, administrative datasets, primarily with applications in learning sciences and social sciences. I have developed and worked on methods combining machine learning with design-based analysis of randomized trials and matched observational studies, principal stratification and mediation analysis using log data from intelligent tutoring systems, and regression discontinuity designs. In my teaching and mentoring, I try to present good statistical practice as central to rigorous science, and I am ...

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Brigitte Servatius

Phone: +1 (508) 8315361

What is a better way of learning, soaking knowledge up like a sponge or like a sieve? A sponge may be saturated quickly, while an appropriate sieve retains the valuable and discards the superfluous.  The essence of teaching is to enable the student to recognize the jewels in a subject, unearth them, and create a valuable collection. 

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Herman Servatius
Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316153

I pose this question: if I dip a wire cage of a cube into soap bubbles, can I get a hexagon? These are questions I love posing to my students. Likewise, I appreciate all questions my students ask me, regardless of how ridiculous they may seem. Every question is worth asking and investigating, and WPI encourages this innovative way of thinking.

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Qingshuo Song
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316273

Qingshuo Song's research interests include stochastic control theory, and its applications to mathematical finance and various engineering problems. Qingshuo received his BSc from Nankai University, MA and PhD from Wayne State University. Prior to joining Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he had been working with City University of Hong Kong (Associate Professor 2010-2018), University of Michigan (PostDoc 2009) and University of Southern California (PostDoc 2006-2009).

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Stephan Sturm
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315921

I am an applied mathematician specializing in the field of financial mathematics and engineering. Currently, I am most interested in problems involving modeling with stochastic volatility and the implied volatility surface. Another topic of my research interests lies in delegated portfolio optimization and the role played by incentive schemes paid to fund managers.After receiving a BS/MS from the University of Vienna and a PhD from Technische Universität Berlin in mathematics, I joined the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University as a postdoctoral ...

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Dalin Tang

Phone: +1 (508) 8315332

I have been teaching and conducting research at WPI since 1988. Teaching is a lot of fun since it involves interactions with students, and we can pass our knowledge and experiences to students for their better future. I have been conducting research for cardiovascular modeling in the past 30 years and has made various contributions, especially in using image-based modeling for vulnerable plaque progression and rupture investigations. I collaborate with faculty from many universities, including Harvard, MIT, University of Washington (Seattle), Washington University (St. Louis), Emory ...

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Carly Thorp
Professor of Practice, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316165

With teachers for parents, I have always respected those who teach and the importance of education. While I did not originally set out to have a career in education, I found myself coming to WPI to do precisely that, after spending a decade in the corporate world as a statistician. During my time as a statistician, I taught engineers, particularly those in industrial, biomedical, and electrical engineering, how to apply statistics effectively to their work from designing a new medical device to sustaining commercialized medical devices. It was this passion for teaching statistics to engineers ...

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Burt Tilley

Phone: +1 (508) 8316664

My main research area of interest is mathematical modeling of problems in scientific and engineering applications. Recent examples include heat transfer properties in patterned liquid-cooled electronics, heat transfer in geothermal energy harnessing applications, and inter-facial pattern formation on thin fluid films and sheets. The mathematical content of these problems focus on, but are not limited to, continuum mechanics, free-boundary problems, nonlinear partial differential equations, and nonlinear differential equations. The common theme in these problems involves behavior of different ...

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Assistant Professor of Teaching, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316184

I enjoy teaching courses to all levels of undergraduates, from introductory courses getting students excited about the concepts and their applications, to delving deep in advanced topics courses. My research is into combinatorial and computational questions in knot theory. 

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Bogdan Vernescu
Vice President and Vice Provost for Research and Innovation, Vice Provost for Research

Phone: +1 (508) 8316411

Bogdan Vernescu is currently Professor of mathematical sciences and the Vice Provost for Research. His research is in applied mathematics for multiscale materials sciences, focusing on the characterization of material properties of composites, porous media, suspensions, emulsions and electrorheological/magnetorheological materials. He has published over 60 research papers, a monograph and a proceedings volume. He has held visiting positions at MIT, the University of Metz, University of Nancy, University of Savoie, University of Rouen, University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, University of Rome La ...

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Darko Volkov

Phone: +1 (508) 8316125

Professor Volkov's research is on Partial Differential Equations theory, Integral Equations theory, and asymptotic and numerical methods. He is interested in abstract existence and uniqueness questions as well as inverse problems and their numerical solutions. He has collaborated with geophysicists and engineers to work on problems related to electromagnetic theory, or seismology. He has published over 30 research papers in prestigious scientific journals. He has taught all levels of math classes, such as Linear Algebra II, Introduction to Analysis, and Graduate Analysis. He particularly ...

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Sam Walcott

Phone: +1 (508) 8316877

I use physical principles at the molecular scale to solve macroscopic problems in biology, e.g. How do a molecule's mechanical properties influence the behavior of a cell?  How do single molecule measurements relate to muscle function?  To answer such questions, I use a combination of computer simulations and mathematical analysis.  This theoretical work is complemented by experiments performed by my collaborators.  In my teaching, I enjoy emphasizing connections between math and other disciplines.

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Fangfang Wang
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316334

My research centers on quantitative analysis of dependent data, and my current interests include time series analysis, spatial statistics, spatial econometrics, and financial econometrics.  My work involves both statistical and econometric methodology development and empirical studies related to financial market and remote sensing data.  Although anchored in statistics, my research projects are interdisciplinary and lie at the intersection of statistics, applied probability, data science, finance, and economics.  Currently, I am working on problems related to high dimensional inference, ...

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Min Wu
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316377

My research involves analysing size and shape development in biological processes. The form of living systems can be affected by growth and internal force, so it is important to know how they are patterned spatial-temporally. To do this, I develop deterministic approximate inference schemes using static and live imaging data; and develop mathematical models and numerical methods to describe tissue growth and morphogenesis. My research at WPI has attracted interest from all levels of students, and they have become enthusiastic and creative contributors.

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Zheyang Wu

Phone: +1 (508) 8315031

Professor Wu's research interest lies in applying the power of statistical science to promote biomedical researches. In statistical genetics, he is developing novel statistical theory and methodology to analyze genome-wide association (GWA) data and deep (re)sequencing data to hunt new genetic factors for complex human diseases. In epigenetics, he is studying gene expression regulation mechanisms through chromatin interaction, and RNA silencing pathways in the developmental stages of germ-line cells. In clinical studies, he is establishing statistical models to predict carotid atherosclerotic ...

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Adjunct Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315495

My professional interests include electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling, scientific computations, and optimization in interdisciplinary areas involving high frequency electromagnetics. I am particularly interested in phenomena linked with interactions of electromagnetic fields with matter including processes and systems in microwave power engineering. I run the Industrial Microwave Modeling Group (IMMG), which I established in 1999 as a division of WPI’s Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS). This unit allows me to enrich traditional research activities by direct ...

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Zhongqiang Zhang
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8314936

I enjoy interactions with students. In teaching, I teach students how I think and learn their thinking and perspectives. My current interest is to develop and analyze scientific machine learning algorithms for problems in various applications, especially in fluid dynamics, biology, and finance. The research is twofold: one is to construct efficient and stable algorithms; the other is to evaluate the constructed and existing methods through theoretical analysis.

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Frank Zou
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8316428

Professor Zou's research focuses on financial time series and spatial statistics with applications to epidemiology, public health and climate change. His most recent research on statistical theory and methodology addressed a wide range of challenges including high dimensionality, complex dependencies, and space and time variations. His research in high-frequency financial data tackled problems with high dimensionality, which is currently a hot topic in statistics. He also works on developing novel spatio-temporal models that provide early and accurate detection of disease outbreaks using ...

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Mike Malone
Computer Operations Manager, Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +1 (508) 8315403

Mike Malone works with Math Department Faculty, Staff, and Graduate students to assure that their computational needs are met.  Whether it’s the purchase and setup of a new desktop, laptop, mobile device, or printer, or the troubleshooting of an existing device, Mike works with each person to make sure that they are able to use their devices to complete their mission, whether it’s learning, teaching, or research.

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Associated Faculty

First Name Last Name Title Email Phone Extension Office Location
Peter Christopher Professor Emeritus peterrc@wpi.edu 5241 Stratton Hall
Paul Davis Professor Emeritus   5241 Stratton Hall
William Hardell Professor Emeritus   5241 Stratton Hall
Roger Lui Professor Emeritus      
JJ Malone Professor Emeritus jjmalone@wpi.edu 5241 Stratton Hall
Umberto Mosco Professor Emeritus mosco@wpi.edu 5241 Stratton Hall
Joseph Petruccelli Professor Emeritus jdp@wpi.edu 5241 Stratton Hall
Domokos Vermes Professor Emeritus   5241

Stratton Hall

Homer Walker Professor Emeritus walker@wpi.edu 5241

Stratton Hall