Computer Science


While technology and algorithms are an important part of computer science, the computing field is centered around helping people and society. In the WPI Computer Science Department, we explore both the theory and practice behind core systems, algorithms, foundations, and design in computing. We apply these capabilities to advance humanity through intelligent tutoring, bioinformatics, human-computer interaction, security and privacy, graphics and animation, and more. Our educational mission helps students learn the core of computing to apply it to help others. Our research mission is to advance humanity's knowledge and create a positive impact in the world.

WPI's Computer Science department is an incubator of interdisciplinary programs, such as in Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Cyber Security, Data Science, Interactive Media and Game Development, Neuroscience, and Learning Sciences and Technology. Our faculty collaborate broadly to integrate computing across disciplinary boundaries.

Our department fully embraces project-based learning both in our classes and as separate endeavors. We help students learn how to identify problems, evaluate potential solutions, and build the structure needed to make those solutions a reality. Our graduates do more than build software tools; they build lasting, positive value.

Computer Science Education, the WPI Way

Dept Head and Professor Craig Shue talks about the magic of computer science, his drive to share this passion and what students can expect from the WPI experience. Assistant Teaching Professor Shubbhi Taneja discusses teaching at WPI, her classroom approach and advising undergraduate research projects in collaboration with outside industry leaders. Senior Instructor Joshua Cuneo talks about his dedication to creating the most up-to-date curriculum and ensuring that the CS department and WPI community are inclusive to all students, faculty and guests. Assistant Teaching Professor Sami Sun shares his excitement for teaching and helping new students to CS at WPI learn to work in teams and apply what they have learned in the real world. 

Putting Theory into Practice

Click below to view highlights from our undergraduate Major Qualifying Project Showcase, or listen to our graduate students and faculty as they discuss their cutting-edge research in the fields of Computer Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Learning Sciences & Technology and Cybersecurity. 

Preview MQP PPD 2022
Preview Undergraduate Research Projects Showcase
Preview URPS Showcase
Preview URPS Showcase_NFL
Preview URPS Showcase Draft Kings

Undergraduate Research Projects Showcase

A celebration of research, design, and creative theses—a requirement of every graduating senior through the Major Qualifying Project (MQP)—takes place each spring on campus. Student teams representing all academic departments present their work to their faculty advisors, external sponsors, and the community-at-large, and the public is invited.

CS Graduate Student Research

Clustering for Confidentiality

Adam Beauchaine presents his cyber security research: Clustering for Confidentiality, An Exploration of Unsupervised Learning for the Security of Data Assets. 

Reinforcement Learning for Education

WPI student Morgan Lee presents their CS research: Expert Features for a Student Support Recommendation Contextual Bandit Algorithm.

Predicting Material Properties using MXenes

WPI student Eric Warnemunde Vertina presents his AI research: Predicting Material Properties via Artificial Intelligence. 

Fair Learning-to-Rank

WPI student Oleseun Olulana presents her AI research: Hidden or Inferred, Fair Learning-to-Rank with Unknown Demographics.

WPI offers two master’s degrees in computer science to help students find the right academic path to reach their career goals. Find out which degree is right for you.

CS Faculty Research

Faster, Fairer, and More Accurate AI Models with Graph Data

WPI Prof. Fabricio Murai discusses their current research related to FRV AI.

Extracting Knowledge with Natural Language Processing

Prof. Kyumin Lee describes his research on information retrieval and AI.

Better Data for Better AI Results

Prof. Roee Shraga describes his work to improve the data used by AI systems and algorithms.

Xiangnan Kong AI Research

Understanding Brain Networks using Deep Learning

WPI Prof. Xiangnan Kong discusses their current research related to AI.

The Most Recent Edition of SIGBITS

Highlights & Accomplishments of our Award Winning Faculty

A summary of department happenings in Computer Science

Degree is also offered online.
Area of Study Bachelor Minor Certificate Master PhD
Artificial Intelligence master
This degree is also offered Online.
Computer Science bachelor minor certificate master phd
Computer Science (MCS) master
Cybersecurity master
Our students do really well in the workforce. They are solving problems, they are able to work quicker, better and more efficiently than their peers.
  • Amanda Laungani from the Heebner Career Development Center

Careers in Computer Science

The widespread and increasing use of computers and information technology has generated a need for highly trained, innovative workers with extensive practical and theoretical expertise. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics continually predicts a faster-than-average growth rate in computer science jobs, thanks to the continued creation and adoption of new technologies.


Annual job openings through 2032

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Best Computer Science MS

Top 12 on campus and top 9 online

Fortune (2024)


Median salary for computer and information research scientists

Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022)

Meet Our Students

Wilson Gramer '26
Wilson Gramer '26
BS in Computer Science

Wilson combines his love of teaching and technology with projects that expand what it means to work in STEM. [...]

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Shiivek Agarwal '25
Shiivek Agarwal '25
BS in Robotics Engineering & Computer Science

Shiivek is dedicated to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community at WPI. [...]

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Megan DeSanty ’24
Megan DeSanty ’24
BS Robotics Engineering, minor in Computer Science

Community service projects and staying active are important parts of Megan’s life, both on and off campus.  [...]

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Nixon Showalter '26
Nixon Showalter '26
BS in Computer Science and Data Science

Nixon thrives in WPI’s community-focused environment through group project work and from inspiring professors. He not only gets involved with student activities but also gives back to the community. [...]

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Evans Owusu '24
Evans Owusu '24
BS, Computer Science and Interactive Media & Game Development

Evans' love of computer science has led them to discover many opportunities to contribute to campus life. [...]

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Alumni Success Stories

people in construction clothes

Digging Deep

To aid a fragile planet, alumni trio uses AI to improve scrap metal recycling in the face of growing demand.

Kajsa Cadwell Brimdyr '92

The video ethnographer shows the significance of skin-to-skin contact for babies.