Computer Science Courses Site Menu Menu Icon of three lines stacked on top of eachother Sidebar Menu Chev Down Icon of hollow arrow pointing down Arrow Left Icon of arrow pointing left Resources Chev Up Icon of hollow arrow pointing up Courses Chev Down Icon of hollow arrow pointing down Beginning Courses Undergraduate Courses CS 1004. Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors CS 1101. Introduction to Program Design CS 1102. Accelerated Introduction to Program Design CS 2011. Introduction to Machine Organization and Assembly Language CS 2102. Object-Oriented Design Concepts CS 2103. Accelerated Object-Oriented Design Concepts CS 2119. Application Building with Object-Oriented Concepts CS 2223. Algorithms CS 2301. Systems Programming for Non-Majors CS 2303. Systems Programming Concepts CS 3013. Operating Systems CS 3041. Human-Computer Interaction CS 3043. Social Implications of Information Processing CS 3133. Foundations of Computer Science CS 3431. Database Systems I CS 3516. Computer Networks CS 3733. Software Engineering CS 4099. Special Topics in Computer Science CS 4120. Analysis of Algorithms CS 4123. Theory of Computation CS 4233. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design CS 4241. Webware: Computational Technology for Network Information Systems CS 4341. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CS 4342. Machine Learning CS 4401. Software Security Engineering CS 4404. Tools and Techniques in Computer Network Security CS 4432. Database Systems II CS 4445. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases CS 4513. Distributed Computing Systems CS 4515. Computer Architecture CS 4516. Advanced Computer Networks CS 4518. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing CS 4533. Techniques of Programming Language Translation CS 4536. Programming Languages CS 4731. Computer Graphics CS 4732. Computer Animation Experimental Undergraduate Courses CS 420X. GRAPHICL SIMUL OF PHYSICAL SYS CS 453X. MACHINE LEARNING CS 480X. DATA VISUALIZATION Graduate Courses CS 5003. Foundations of Computer Science: an Introduction CS 5007. Introduction to Applications of Computer Science with Data Structures and Algorithms CS 5008. Introduction to Systems and Network Programming CS 502. Operating Systems CS 503. Foundations of Computer Science CS 504. Analysis of Computations and Systems CS 5084. Introduction to Algorithms: Design and Analysis CS 509. Design of Software Systems CS 513. Computer Networks CS 514. Advanced Systems Architecture CS 521. Logic in Computer Science CS 522. Numerical Methods CS 525. Topics in Computer Science CS 528. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing CS 529. Multimedia Networking CS 533. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network and Computer Systems CS 534. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CS 535. Advanced Topics in Operating Systems CS 536. Programming Language Design CS 538. Knowledge-Based Systems CS 539. Machine Learning CS 540. Artificial Intelligence in Design CS 542. Database Management Systems CS 543. Computer Graphics CS 544. Compiler Construction CS 545. Digital Image Processing CS 546. Human-Computer Interaction CS 548. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining CS 557. Software Security Design and Analysis CS 558. Computer Network Security CS 559. Advanced Topics in Theoretical Computer Science CS 561. Advanced Topics in Database Systems CS 562. Advanced Topics in Software Engineering CS 563. Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics CS 564. Advanced Topics in Computer Security CS 571. Case Studies in Computer Security CS 573. Data Visualization CS 577. Advanced Computer and Communications Networks CS 578. Cryptography and Data Security CS 584. Algorithms: Design and Analysis CS 585. Big Data Management CS 586. Big Data Analytics CS 588. Computer Science Capstone Experience CS 591. Fundamentals in Cyber Security for Teachers CS 592. Introduction to Digital Forensics for Teachers CS 593. Cyber Security Teaching Methods CS 596. Advanced Digital Forensics and Incident Response for Teachers CS 598. Directed Research CS 599. Master's Thesis CS 699. Ph.D. Dissertation DS 503. Big Data Management DS 504. Big Data Analytics DS 541. Deep Learning DS 547. Information Retrieval ECE 537. Advanced Computer and Communications Networks ECE 545. Digital Image Processing ECE 572. Advanced Systems Architecture ECE 578. Cryptography and Data Security ECE 581. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network and Computer Systems MA 510. Numerical Methods Course Schedules