
Faculty members, undergraduates, and graduate students are integral to cutting-edge research under way not only in core computer science, but also in interdisciplinary areas. Our groundbreaking research is supported by agencies such as the 

  • National Science Foundation
  • The National Institutes of Health
  • The U.S. Department of Education
  • U.S. Army
  • Office of Naval Research
  • National Security Agency
  • IBM
  • Google

See the latest Department SIGBITS issue for recent research happenings by faculty and students.

Lane Harrison Lab
Phone: 508-831-5357
Fax: 508-831-5776

Fabricio Murai, Assistant Professor of CS, DS, AI

Fairer, faster and more Accurate AI Models with Graph Data

Faculty Research Interests

Our faculty have diverse research interests.  Here is a table of interests and faculty doing work in those areas:


Michael Engling
George Heineman     
Daniel Reichman     
Gabor Sarkozy
Harmony Zhan

Artificial Intelligence     
Jun Dai     
Neil Heffernan     
Xiangnan Kong     
Dmitry Korkin     
Kyumin Lee     
Xiaozhong Liu  
Raha Moraffah   
Rodica Neamtu     
Carolina Ruiz     
Gillian Smith     
Erin Solovey     
Jacob Whitehill

Bioinformatics & Computational 
Dmitry Korkin      
Jennifer Mortensen     
Carolina Ruiz

Cloud Computing       
Tian Guo     
Elke Rundensteiner     
Shubbhi Taneja

Computer Graphics, Vision 
and Image Processing     
Emmanuel Agu     
Rodica Neamtu
Charles Roberts       
Jacob Whitehill

Computer Science Education     
Matthew Ahrens
Jun Dai     
Neil Heffernan     
Jennifer Mortensen
Gillian Smith        
Erin Solovey
Sherry Sun     

Data Mining     
Neil Heffernan     
Xiangnan Kong     
Dmitry Korkin     
Kyumin Lee
Xiaozhong Liu
Raha Moraffah         
Fabricio Murai
Rodica Neamtu     
Carolina Ruiz     
Elke Rundensteiner
Roee Shraga     

Data Science & Analytics     
Emmanuel Agu     
Mark Claypool       
Lane Harrison     
Neil Heffernan     
Xiangnan Kong     
Kyumin Lee     
Yanhua Li     
Xiaozhong Liu
Fabricio Murai
Rodica Neamtu     
Carolina Ruiz     
Elke Rundensteiner

Database Systems         
Elke Rundensteiner     
Rodica Neamtu
Roee Shraga     
Shubbhi Taneja

Digital Health     
Emmanuel Agu     
Rodica Neamtu     
Carolina Ruiz     
Elke Rundensteiner     
Erin Solovey

Human Computation & 
Lane Harrison     
Neil Heffernan
Roee Shraga     
Erin Solovey     
Jacob Whitehill    

Human–Computer Interaction     
Matthew Ahrens   
Mark Claypool     
Lane Harrison     
Charles Roberts     
Gillian Smith     
Erin Solovey     
Jacob Whitehill

Interactive Media & Game 
Mark Claypool     
Charles Roberts     
Gillian Smith

Learning Sciences     
Matthew Ahrens     
Neil Heffernan 
Gillian Smith      
Erin Solovey        
Jacob Whitehill

Machine Learning     
Emmanuel Agu     
Neil Heffernan     
Dmitry Korkin     
Kyumin Lee     
Yanhua Li     
Xiaozhong Liu
Raha Moraffah     
Fabricio Murai
Rodica Neamtu     
Daniel Reichman     
Carolina Ruiz     
Elke Rundensteiner
Roee Shraga     
Erin Solovey     
Jacob Whitehill

Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing     
Matthew Ahrens   
Emmanuel Agu     
Tian Guo     
Rodica Neamtu
Gillian Smith

Natural Language Processing     
Neil Heffernan     
Xiaozhong Liu
Raha Moraffah
Elke Rundensteiner
Roee Shraga

Dmitry Korkin     
Rodica Neamtu     
Carolina Ruiz     
Erin Solovey

Programming Languages/
Matthew Ahrens     
Rose Bohrer     
Charles Roberts
Gillian Smith  

Robotics & Cyber-Physical 
Erin Solovey

Security & Privacy         
Jun Dai
Craig Shue
Sherry Sun     
Robert Walls     
Craig Wills

Software Engineering     
Sakire Arslan Ay
George Heineman     
Yu-Shan Sun     
Wilson Wong

Mark Claypool
Jun Dai     
Tian Guo     
Yanhua Li     
Craig Shue
Sherry Sun     
Shubbhi Taneja     
Robert Walls     
Craig Wills

Rose Bohrer        
Michael Engling
Rodica Neamtu     
Daniel Reichman
Gabor Sarkozy 
Harmony Zhan

Lane Harrison     
Elke Rundensteiner     
Gillian Smith





Graduate Student Research

Morgan Lee, CS PhD Student

Expert Features for a Student Support Recommendation Contextual Bandit Algorithm 

Research Groups

Many research groups exist within the department.  These groups hold regular meetings of faculty, grad students and undergraduate students to discuss current research topics and results.  Departmental research groups include Applied Logic and Security (ALAS), Database Systems Research Group (DSRG), Performance Evaluation and Distributed Systems (PEDS) and the Tutor Research Group (TRG).  Visit faculty member profiles to learn more about the research groups that individual faculty are involved in as well as when these research groups meet.

Research Labs

Daisy Lab

The Daisy Lab

Elke Rundensteiner - Professor

Data-Driven Intelligent Systems group is excited to solve the world's most pressing problems. We tackle a wide range of challenges from detecting fraud in systems, uncovering bias in AI models, discovering new materials, screening for mental illness, ensuring fairness in ranked AI decisions, making AI systems transparent and responsible, to extracting valuable insights from social media data. 

Highlights & Accomplishments of our Award Winning Faculty

The Most Recent Edition of SIGBITS: A summary of department happenings involving faculty and students.