Notices and information from WPI divisions, departments, and offices.
Dear WPI Community,
Please take notice of our adjusted hours of operation during the B/C Term break. …
The School of Engineering WPI 2024 Winter Newsletter has arrived. You can learn more about the exciting…
Herd Highlights!
A bi-weekly newsletter for all students—graduate and undergraduate. In Herd Highlights, you…
"Enteroscape: Modeling Infectious Dynamics of the Gut Microbiome in C. elegans"
David Datta: MS Student,…
Greetings from WPI,We look forward to having you join us for the WPI New Student Orientation program on Monday,…
On Tuesday December 10, the office hours for the Research & Instruction team at Gordon Library will run from 1…
Come chat with a couple IT staff members on Thursday, December 12 from 1:00pm - 2:00pm to learn about WPI's cloud…
Graduate Student Newsletter
December 5th Edition
The annual Graduate Research and Innovation…
Each year generous members of the WPI community donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to WPI’s Women’s Impact…
As part of Mass STEM Week 2024, the Worcester Boys & Girls Club and the Central MA STEM Network (CMSN)…
The 1879 Awards competition is now open. This competition recognizes exceptional work…
On Thursday, December 5, at 5pm, members of the WPI student chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (…
Dr. Sarah Stanlick, Professor in the Department of Integrative and Global Studies (DIGS) will present 'Project-…
On November 21st, 2024, the Division of Talent and Inclusion hosted its annual Employee Recognition Dinner from 5-…
Earlier this fall, Talent & Inclusion notified the community that the Retirement Plan Oversight &…
Hire Date
Employee Name
Hemalatha Kanniyappan
In a new WPI podcast, Richard Lopez, assistant professor of neuroscience and psychology in the Department of…
Computational Media PhD Student, Darren Cole, served as a co-creator for Star Seeds: The Stories Our Ancestors…
On November 13, 2024, WPI adopted the Okanagan Charter recognizing essential interconnections between people,…
As the Brazilian government undertakes a massive eight-year project to modernize its undergraduate engineering…