
Women's Impact Network Logo

Each year generous members of the WPI community donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to WPI’s Women’s Impact Network (WIN). This funding is distributed through Impact Grants to WPI students, faculty, staff, and alumni for projects that advance women in STEM. In the nine years since WIN was founded, the group has funded more than 100 grants totaling over $1.7 million dollars.  

WIN is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. Applications are due January 21, 2025. Check out previously funded applications on WIN’s website!  

This year the WIN Application can be completed through WPI's internal grant application system, InfoReady. Follow this link to find the application

Email with any questions. 

More about WIN:

WIN is a women-led philanthropic organization that funds grants to advance women in STEM at WPI, aligning with WPI’s strategic priorities. WIN supports projects and programs that advance undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni and their research, projects, programs, and initiatives.