SH 304
+1 (508) 8315332
BA Southeast University 1981
MA University of Wisconsin, Madison 1985
PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison 1988

I have been teaching and conducting research at WPI since 1988. Teaching is a lot of fun since it involves interactions with students, and we can pass our knowledge and experiences to students for their better future. I have been conducting research for cardiovascular modeling in the past 30 years and has made various contributions, especially in using image-based modeling for vulnerable plaque progression and rupture investigations. I collaborate with faculty from many universities, including Harvard, MIT, University of Washington (Seattle), Washington University (St. Louis), Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and others. 

BA Southeast University 1981
MA University of Wisconsin, Madison 1985
PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison 1988

I have been teaching and conducting research at WPI since 1988. Teaching is a lot of fun since it involves interactions with students, and we can pass our knowledge and experiences to students for their better future. I have been conducting research for cardiovascular modeling in the past 30 years and has made various contributions, especially in using image-based modeling for vulnerable plaque progression and rupture investigations. I collaborate with faculty from many universities, including Harvard, MIT, University of Washington (Seattle), Washington University (St. Louis), Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and others. 

SH 304
+1 (508) 8315332

Scholarly Work

Tang D, Teng Z, Canton G, Yang C, Ferguson M, Sites of Rupture in Human Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaques are Associated with High Structural Stresses: An In Vivo MRI-Based 3D Fluid-Structure Interaction Study, Stroke. 2009 Oct;40(10):3258-63. Featured article on, Citation 218 2009

Tang D, Yang C, Zheng J, Woodard PK, Sicard GA, Saffitz JE, Yuan C. 3D MRI-Based Multicomponent FSI Models for Atherosclerotic Plaques, Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2004) 32: 947-960. (Best Paper Selection, International Medical Informatics Association Year Book 2006), Citation 303. 2004

Tang D, Kamm RD, Yang C, Zheng J, Canton G, Bach R, Huang X, Hatsukami TS, Zhu J, Ma G, Maehara A, Mintz GS, Yuan C. Image-based modeling for better understanding and assessment of atherosclerotic plaque progression and vulnerability: data, modeling, validation, uncertainty and predictions. J. Biomechanics, 2014 Mar 3;47(4):834-46. Citation: 91. 2014

Tang D, Yang C, Mondal S, Liu F, Canton G, Hatsukami TS, Yuan C. A Negative Correlation between Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression and Plaque Wall Stress: In Vivo MRI-Based 2D/3D FSI Models, J. Biomechanics, 2008;41(4):727-36. Citation 173. 2008

Professional Highlights & Honors
WPI Trustee’s award for Outstanding Research and Creative Scholarship, 2010
Elected Fellow, American Heart Association, 2011
American Heart Association
Elected Fellow, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers., 2016
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.