
The Humanities & Arts department provides many resources to help ensure the success of its students. Students are encouraged to peruse these resources, which include information on documenting sources, declaring a minor, and submitting a completed project.

  • Registration for HUA opportunities (including Inquiry Seminar/Practicum and off-campus projects) is done in e-Projects.  View and select "Request to Join" in e-Projects.  
  • View date, time and location of Seminars/Practicums WPI Public Course Search 
  • CDRs are completed in e-projects and here's a Sample Title Page (PDF) 
  • How to Properly Cite Sources and Avoid Plagiarism 
  • Do I have to complete the breadth requirement if I use a foreign language as my depth requirement?  No, Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish and ISE (English for Second Language learners) are exempt from the breadth requirement because foreign language instruction is broadly interdisciplinary and includes elements of the history, literature, and culture of a particular language area.  You can simply take 6 foreign language courses culminating in an advanced course.  The course catalog indicates which of these advanced courses satisfy the Inquiry Seminar requirement.  Your 6 language courses will be approved by your HUA advisor in e-projects.
  • The Humanities and Arts Requirement A Student Guide.
  • Transfer Students and the Humanities and Arts Requirement.  Your transfer credits will be approved in e-projects.  Contact the Humanities and Arts Coordinator for Transfer Students, Professor James Hanlan.  He can be contacted in room 28 of Salisbury Labs, or e-mail (More information is provided in the course catalog.)