Minor in Music


Value Proposition Description

Along with our reputation for producing talented engineers and scientists, WPI is responsible for fostering many talented musicians, and with a minor in Music, you can be one of them. Whether you’re interested in honing your skills playing an instrument, writing the next big pop ballad, or developing software to make music more accessible, you’ll be able to take classes in music theory, history, and technology while taking advantage of the many student ensembles that perform on campus and around the world. 


If you’re interested in completing a Music minor, you’ll be required to complete two units of work divided into the following (see Undergraduate Catalog for more information and detailed course selection listings):

•    Music courses (1-1/3 units of courses)

•    Participation in an independent study ensemble (1/3 unit)

•    Performance independent study capstone performance (1/3 unit)

For the independent study capstone performance, you’ll work with a faculty member to present a recital, original composition or other musical performance that demonstrates your musical skills and knowledge.

Learn More about the Music Minor
Required Courses

Application Process

Interested in applying for a Music minor? After speaking with a Music faculty member to learn more and discuss your options, familiarize yourself with the requirements to complete the minor, and fill out the Minor Proposal Form.

Any student at WPI is eligible for the Music minor, except those majoring in Humanities & Arts with a concentration in Music.