Health Services & Resources

WPI Student Health Services (SHS) is an appointment-based medical office.
Book your own medical appointments online through the Student Health Portal!
Please call us at 508-831-5520 to schedule an appointment. While we offer many same and next day appointments, we are unable to accept walk-in appointments at this time.
Who We Are
WPI strives to provide multifaceted professional medical care for the treatment of student illnesses and injuries. Staff members at Student Health Services (SHS) include a team of physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses. We're like your doctor's office away from home. Call us to schedule your next appointment for an array of primary and urgent care services.
SHS is open for appointments Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm). We are not open on evenings, weekends, or holidays when the institution is closed. Please see below for our on-call providers contact information. SHS is appointment based, and you must call to schedule an appointment to be seen by one of our medical providers. SHS does not bill you (or your insurance) and does not charge copayment.
We are located in Daniels Hall at 84 Institute Road, Worcester
Who We Are
The Mission of WPI Student Health Services (SHS) is to provide high quality, confidential healthcare that recognizes the individual needs of the students and supports their academic success. We treat patients with dignity, respect, and compassion and strive to structure our services to empower individuals to lead healthier lives and become informed consumers of healthcare. We also support the University by staying up to date on the most
pressing healthcare issues and offering expertise in areas of health and wellness that affect the greater WPI community.
SHS Clinical Staff
We are staffed by an experienced team of four nurse practitioners, two nurses, and two part-time physicians.
Daniels Hall, 84 Institute Road, Worcester
Monday-Friday 8 am- 4:30pm. Appointments only. We are closed from 12pm-1pm for lunch.
Closed on weekends and WPI observed holidays and breaks.
Scheduling An Appointment
Appointments can be made by calling the SHS office at 508-831-5520. When possible, appointments are scheduled the same day.
Students can also book their own medical appointments online through the Student Health Portal!
Services Offered
- Evaluation and treatment of acute illness and injury
- Management of chronic health conditions
- Sexual health services
- HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Travel Medicine
- Sports Medicine
- Gender Affirming Healthcare
- Prescription medication management
- Lab work and rapid point of care testing
- Immunization assistance and management
- Referral services to specialists
Insurance will be billed for prescription medications, outside lab and imaging services, and referrals to specialists.
After Hours Care
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or WPI Police at 508-831-5555.
Please note the Student Health Services (SHS) is open by appointment only: we are not a walk-in clinic. Our appointment hours are Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5pm.
After hours and weekends: If you need urgent medical attention that cannot wait until normal business hours, please have our after-hours care provider paged at Hahnemann Family Health Center of Worcester at 508-334-8830 and identify yourself as a WPI student. The doctor on call will return your call as soon as possible. Learn more here.
All health information is confidential and protected by federal and state law. Medical information will only be disclosed with a signed medical health information release on file.
This website is not intended as a substitute for proper medical care, only a supplement to it. If you believe you have a medical problem, please call or visit Student Health Services. A proper medical diagnosis can only be made in person—please do not send us your medical questions via e-mail.
Cancellation, Late Arrival, and Missed Appointments
One of our goals at SHS is to provide quality health care in a timely manner for our patients and every missed appointment takes away the opportunity for another student to be seen. We are a busy practice, and our appointment demand always exceeds our available number of appointments on any given day.
We kindly ask that you call our office at 508-831-5520 at least 2 hours in advance if you ever need to cancel or reschedule in the future, so we can offer that appointment to another patient.
We are also unable to see patients who arrive 10 minutes or more past their scheduled appointment time. Patients arriving late for their scheduled appointment will be asked to reschedule their appointment for the next business day.
These policies help us accommodate other students who are seeking care and ensure we can continue to offer the best possible service to WPI students.