Student Perspective

Each student’s journey is unique and personal…

But all of the students left the experience with a new perspective on how they could—and will—impact their communities. Each with an individualized lens, they share a glimpse into just what life was like as they worked in the city, and where they hope to go from here.

Faria Kader
Faria Kader
Mechanical Engineering
About Faria
Thomas White
Thomas White
Computer Science
About Thomas
Zonglin Peng
Zonglin Peng
Electrical and Computer Engineering
About Zonglin
Marylouise Ross
Marylouise Ross
Biomedical Engineering
About Marylouise
Daniel Sullivan
Daniel Sullivan
Computer Science
About Daniel
Shaye Johnstone
Shaye Johnstone
Chemical Engineering
About Shaye
Matthew Cannata
Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote
The most valuable thing with the IQP is the team aspect—the teamwork experience at WPI is unique because it’s so immersive. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote
  • Matthew Cannata
  • Biomedical Engineering

Student team touring a waste remediation plant as part of field work