It's the experience that takes you further

Project Immersion

It happens throughout the year, at 50+ project centers, across six continents. This is the IQP (Interactive Qualifying Project). Often called a life-changing experience by WPI students, the IQP immerses students in a new culture where they delve into a problem that matters to real people.

Whether traveling across the city or across the ocean, it’s the experience that changes students—and their world. The journey begins sophomore year, but the profound impact lasts a lifetime.

Grow Personally

The IQP gives students opportunities to work with new levels of independence and step out of their comfort zones—experiences that enable them to gain self-confidence and maturity. Students also report that their project work helps them become more adaptable, develop stronger personal characters, enjoy deeper connections with peers and overall enrich their lives in non-academic ways.

This is not your typical study abroad. Experience it.