Stratton Hall 207
+1 (508) 8315000 x5267
BS Mathematics Indiana University 1989
MS Applied Mathematics University of Michigan 1990
PhD Mathematics and Scientific Computing University of Michigan 1995

Research is a core part of the undergraduate experience at WPI. As Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Suzanne Weekes increases the focus on the undergraduate research enterprise at the university to continue to advance WPI’s mission to create, to discover, and to convey knowledge at the frontiers of academic inquiry for the betterment of society. This effort will i) support faculty and students in the undergraduate research enterprise, ii) increase the impact, outcomes, and visibility of WPI student research, and iii) cultivate and develop new opportunities and partnerships, internally and externally that will enhance and broaden research at the university.

Prof. Weekes' mathematical interests are in numerical methods for differential equations including applications to spatio-temporal composites and cancer growth. She also spends a lot of time involved in various initiatives connecting the academic mathematics community to mathematics and statistics work done in business, industry, and government. She is co-founder and co-director of the national PIC Math (Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences) Program, and she is also a founding co-director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP).

Prof. Weekes is the recipient of the 2019 Humphreys Award for Mentoring from the Association for Women in Mathematics. She currently serves on the Science Policy committees of both the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). She is the past Chair of the Education Committee of SIAM.

BS Mathematics Indiana University 1989
MS Applied Mathematics University of Michigan 1990
PhD Mathematics and Scientific Computing University of Michigan 1995

Research is a core part of the undergraduate experience at WPI. As Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Suzanne Weekes increases the focus on the undergraduate research enterprise at the university to continue to advance WPI’s mission to create, to discover, and to convey knowledge at the frontiers of academic inquiry for the betterment of society. This effort will i) support faculty and students in the undergraduate research enterprise, ii) increase the impact, outcomes, and visibility of WPI student research, and iii) cultivate and develop new opportunities and partnerships, internally and externally that will enhance and broaden research at the university.

Prof. Weekes' mathematical interests are in numerical methods for differential equations including applications to spatio-temporal composites and cancer growth. She also spends a lot of time involved in various initiatives connecting the academic mathematics community to mathematics and statistics work done in business, industry, and government. She is co-founder and co-director of the national PIC Math (Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences) Program, and she is also a founding co-director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP).

Prof. Weekes is the recipient of the 2019 Humphreys Award for Mentoring from the Association for Women in Mathematics. She currently serves on the Science Policy committees of both the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). She is the past Chair of the Education Committee of SIAM.

Stratton Hall 207
+1 (508) 8315000 x5267

Scholarly Work

Some new advances in the theory of dynamic materials

Numerical computation of wave propagation in dynamic materials

A stable scheme for the numerical computation of long wave propagation in temporal laminates

Professional Highlights & Honors


The Chronicle of Higher Education
For Mentorships to Work, Colleges Have to Commit

The Chronicle of Higher Education quoted Professor Suzanne L. Weekes, mathematical sciences, in its article “For Mentorships to Work, Colleges Have to Commit” The article also mentioned Weekes is the  winner of an annual mentoring award from the Association for Women in Mathematics.