
WordPress sites at WPI are hosted by CampusPress.  Members of the WPI community can request a WordPress website by filling out the form below.  If you are new to WordPress, we suggest that you take a look at this step-by-step documentation and helpful tips.

Request a Website

Faculty, students, and staff can request WordPress to develop websites for labs, student organizations, projects, and classes. WordPress websites are not intended to replace Drupal pages or to circumvent existing Drupal policies for requesting new pages.

Need Help?

CampusPress support can answer questions for you about your website theme or plugins. For assistance with your WordPress website, browse through their large knowlegebase or open a support ticket

Step by Step Documentation

If you are just getting started with WordPress, the following links will help to guide you on how to edit your website:

How To: Add a Page - http://help.edublogs.org/writing-pages/

How To: Add a Post - http://help.edublogs.org/writing-your-first-post/

How To: Menus - http://help.edublogs.org/custom-menu/

How To: Upload Images - http://help.edublogs.org/add-images/

How To: Upload Documents (no video) - http://help.edublogs.org/upload-documents/

How To: Use the Block Editor https://campuspress.com/a-guide-to-the-wordpress-block-editor-for-student-bloggers/

WordPress Tips

How to log into your website

Logging in is easy!  Just add the word "login" to the end of your website's URL like this: htt​ps://wp.w​p​i.edu/YOU​RWEBSITE/login

This will bring you to the CAS login page and you can log in with your WPI credentials.

How to add users to your website

Website administrators can add new users to their website by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Users menu in the left-hand navigation and click on "Invite Users"
  2. Type any word into the box for "Invite Code"
  3. Choose a default role (see Role Descriptions)
  4. Click the button to "Add New Invite Code"
  5. Copy the generated Invite Code and email it to the person you want to add
  6. When they click on the link in the email, they will be brought to a page that asks them if they want to join your website. 
  7. After they click the blue JOIN button, they will be presented with a link to visit your dashboard.  

WordPress themes and plugins

CampusPress offers a large selection of web accessible themes that you can choose from.  If you are an administrator of a WordPress website, you can find the list of themes under the Appearance menu where you can easily switch your theme.

Plugins are a way to add new functionality to your website.  CampusPress has a wide variety of plugins that you can choose from.  If you would like CampusPress to activate a plugin on your website, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into your website
  2. Click on the blue "Need Help?" button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Click on the "Email Support" button.
  4. Click on "Create New Conversation"
  5. Fill out the form to request help with your website, including the activation of plugins.