Meeting Materials 2018-2019
May 2, 2019
- Addendum 1: BGWG Presentation
- Addendum 2: Global School Proposal Presentation
April 11, 2019
- Addendum 1: Provost Soboyejo Presentation
- Addendum 2: Dean Jean King Presentation
- Addendum 3: Dean ad Interim Kent Rissmiller Presentation
March 14, 2019
- Addendum 1: Senior VP Report (PDF)
February 7, 2019
- Addendum 1: Faculty Governance Report (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Memorial Resolution, Professor Carleton W. Staples (ME) (PDF)
- Addendum 3: Faculty Conduct Policy Feb. 7 Faculty Mtg Corrected 1-10-19 (PDF)
January 10, 2019
- Addendum 1: Update by the Taskforce on the Status of NTT Faculty (PDF)
- Presentation, Faculty Conduct Policy Update, December 6, 2018 (PDF)
December 6, 2018
- Addendum 1: SOF Presentation to the BOT (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Memorial Resolution, Professor Francis Lutz (CEE) (PDF)
- Addendum 3: Advance Adaptation Advancing toward Equity for STEM faculty gender equity systemic change (PDF)
November 8, 2018
- Addendum 1: Provost's Report (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Memorial Resolution, President Edmund T. Cranch (PDF)
- Addendum 3: COG Global School Update Proposal (PDF)
- Addendum 4: Provost's Global School Update Proposal (PDF)
October 4, 2018
- Addendum 1: President Leshin's Address (PDF)
- Addendum 2: CAO Undergraduate Graduation List (PDF)
- Addendum 3: CGSR Graduate Graduation List (PDF)
- Addendum 4: New Faculty Biographies (PDF)
September 13, 2018
- Addendum 1: CAO Undergraduate Graduation List (PDF)
- Addendum 2: CGSR Graduate Graduation List (PDF)
- Addendum 3: COG Presentation – New Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)