I have a great story to share or a newsletter I want to start, can Marketing Communications cover it/write it?

Sharing stories can take many forms, from an announcement or social media posts to a press release or a pitch to the media.

Check out this page about sharing news stories or send us a note at media@wpi.edu and we can help determine how best to share your story.

For newsletters, think first about why you want one, what your goal is, who your audience is, how you’ll distribute your newsletter, and what your budget is. Newsletters take considerable work to curate and manage content and require dedication by an owner or owners, and they might not accomplish your goal. If you determine you need a formatted newsletter, Marketing Communications can help set you up with an account in Mailchimp, a free (based on usage) email marketing platform. Contact marketing@wpi.edu if you have other questions. 

FAQ References