From building renovations to new construction projects to infrastructure improvements, a new academic year brings a host of facilities upgrades to the WPI community. During summer break, the Facilities Office took advantage of less foot traffic, mostly empty residence halls, and dormant classrooms and led the way on projects––both large and small––to enhance the WPI physical campus and keep the university moving forward. We've highlighted just a few examples here.

WPI’s Facilities Team Keeps Campus in Top Shape with Summer Upgrades
Solid Footing at Rubin Campus Center

Thanks to Facilities, these stones offer solid footing. The new patio blocks will bring a cohesive view that extends from the Foisie Innovation Studio to the Rubin Campus Center.
Walk This Way

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors now have quick access to the back patio and lawn of the Rubin Campus Center with the new connecting sidewalk and stairs. No more looping around by Higgins House or cutting through the Food Court—this walkway offers a straight path.
New Building? What New Building?

The long-anticipated opening of the Foisie Innovation Studio took countless hours over the past 18 months, but really ramped up as the finishing touches were applied for the August 16 community opening.
A Comfortable Approach to Learning

Active learning can happen anywhere, but Kinnicutt Hall’s complete renovation is tailor-made for it. With a new layout, this Salisbury Labs lecture hall’s new furnishings and equipment encourage, rather than inhibit, collaboration and teamwork.
Yes, WPI Has a Glam Squad

No matter what the season, WPI’s campus is beautiful. But in the summer, the careful planning and labor-intensive upkeep of the grounds makes the campus shine. Lush lawns, colorful flowers, and nary a weed in sight reflects the hard work of the Facilities crew.
Interview Ready at the CDC

With three additional interview rooms and a conference room, the Career Development Center has more space for students and industry partners to meet. The revamped space switches walls around and even allows for more, much-needed storage.
Library Shelving Installation

A new compact shelving system in Gordon Library's Archives & Special Collections will improve storage of WPI’s collection of rare books, simultaneously producing a 90 percent increase in additional storage capacity within the same footprint. With an eye toward the future, the system also allows the library to plan for anticipated collection growth.
- By Julia Quinn-Szcesuil