Rent-A-Cadet - February, 2015

Rent-A-Cadet is a way of getting chores done while funding Army ROTC training
February 06, 2015

Winter is in full force and the “to-do” list is burying you. Save yourself time and enlist Rent-A-Cadet to help get those chores done.

Reserve your spot by emailing and help support the Army ROTC program fund its training activities.

Reserve from 2 to 4 Bay State Battalion Army ROTC cadets to help with any tasks (depending on availability/first come, first served). Tasks can include (but are not limited to) snow removal, painting, moving (furniture, etc.). It is requested that the customer provides the tools necessary to complete the project.

Cadets are available weekends from Feb. 28 until March 29 at any location within a 45-minute drive of the WPI campus.

Cadets will work for 3 hours on site (not including drive time) with a 10 percent discount if you are a returning customer; 10 percent discount if you refer a friend/family member.

– 2 Cadets – $80

– 3 Cadets – $100

– 4 Cadets – $120

Payment/donation is due on day of work. Make checks payable to WPI Army ROTC.
