Rent a Cadet

Army ROTC Cadets are available to do household chores
March 21, 2016

• With spring having arrived, your home maintenance “to-do” list threatens to take up your free time. Save yourself time and hassle and enlist Rent-A-Cadet to help get those chores done.

To reserve your spot, email There are limited number of slots, and the service is on a first-come, first-served basis, so act quickly.  You can reserve from 2-4 Bay State Battalion Army ROTC cadets to help with tasks, depending on availability.

Be sure to include:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Date and time frame of preferred reservation
  • Description of jobs needed to be completed
  • The address of the location
  • How many cadets you will need

Tasks can include, but are not limited to, raking leaves, stacking wood, power washing, painting, moving furniture, etc. It is requested that the customer provide the tools necessary to complete the project.

Available dates are Saturday, March 26;  April 2-3;  April 9-10;  Sunday, April 24  and Saturday, April 30.

Cadets can be rented to perform tasks at any location within a 45-minute drive of the WPI campus.

Cadets will work for 3 hours on site (not including drive time). There is a 10 percent discount if you are a returning  customer, or if you refer a friend/family member.

Rates are as follows:

• 2 Cadets – $80

• 3 Cadets – $100

• 4 Cadets – $120

Payment/donation due on the day of work, Checks should be made payable to WPI Army ROTC. For more information or to reserve cadets, contact

Check out the Bay State Battalion on Facebook.