Community Event: The Courage Wall by Nancy Belmont

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Floor/Room #

Failure plays a salient role in our growth process. Bounce Forward because everyone fails at something and the ability to make a comeback from any obstacles and not feel a sense of defeat speaks to one's character traits.   

As we celebrate the last Wellness Day of the academic year, what burdens weigh you down? 

Join our guest presenter, Nancy Belmont, in the "The Courage Wall" project to release all burdens. The Courage Wall is a larger-than-life chalk board that reads, "I wish I had the courage to..." Through this project, individuals identify and release their unseen burdens so they can become freer. One learns that fear is what it is to be human and that we all hope to live a bigger, bolder, more authentic life.  

How would you answer the question, "I wish I had the COURAGE to...?" Make your declaration then make it happen! 

Sponsored by: CWB, CDC, OAS, ODIME, and the Housing & Residential Experience Center.  

Location: Morgan Hall, The Wedge 

This event is part of:


Center for Well-Being