Morgan Hall
First Year Residence
Located on the first floor of Morgan Hall is Pulse On Dining (POD), the all you care to eat dining facility on campus, as well as the “wedge” gathering space with tables, chairs, and lounge furniture for all students to study and relax.
Scroll down page for residence hall photos

Frequently Asked Questions
Who lives in Morgan Hall housing?
This is a first year student building.
How many student staff members are in Morgan Hall?
6 Resident Advisors (RAs) work in Morgan Hall.
What type of building is Morgan Hall?
- A corridor style building with shared bedrooms.
What are the amenities in Morgan Hall housing?
- Common room lounge areas on each floor with TV/Tech connections
- 2 gendered bathrooms on each floor
- Laundry facilities are located in the basement of Daniels Hall
- Elevator access
Is a residential meal plan required in Morgan Hall housing?
Residents of Morgan are required to have a residential meal plan – either a 14, 19, 200 or VIP plan.
What is provided for furniture/appliances in Morgan Hall housing?
- Bedrooms are outfitted with a bed, desk, desk chair, wardrobe, and dresser for each resident.
- Morgan wardrobes have a shelf, hanging bar for clothes, and a door.
- All WPI furniture must remain in the room.
- Common rooms are outfitted with soft seating (for example – couches, chairs, etc.).
- Internet access/cable
Can beds be de-lofted in Morgan Hall housing?
- Beds in Morgan Hall are bunked above the desk. Residents are NOT allowed to de-loft beds, or remove them from their bunked setup. If residents do so they will incur a damage billing fee to their student account.
- Only students with an accommodation through the Office of Accessibility Services will receive permission to have their beds de-lofted by professional movers if no other space that meets the accommodation is available.
Does Morgan Hall housing have air conditioning?
- Morgan Hall does not have air conditioning in the building. Residents are encouraged to bring fans for their space. Personal air conditioners are not permitted.
- The “wedge” area on the first floor is air conditioned.

Office | Phone | |
Dining Services | | 508-831-5253 |