Notices and information from WPI divisions, departments, and offices.
Three faculty members are part of collaborative research teams that recently received pilot grants funded by WPI…
Strage Innovation Award
Application Deadlines Friday March 17th, 2022
ES 202x: Innovation Through Making
D Term 2022, M-W 3:00-4:50…
The world is more distributed and interconnected than ever before, and remote…
Clarkson University recently appointed Dr. Bethany Almeida, a WPI alum,…
Education studies and innovations by WPI faculty and staff members involving hands-on learning experiences have…
Each year, the WPI Alumni Association presents awards to a select group of alumni in recognition of their…
On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) inducted twelve…
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the inaugural Mackey Fellowship is Athenia Jones. …
Sotak Inclusive Excellence Awards:
Elzani van Zyl (BME BS ’17, MEng ’19) is a second year PhD student in the…
Professor Karen Troy was recently awarded a R15 grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to study the…
The BME Department congratulates all the students who participated in our Zoom Project Presentation Day event on…
Congratulations to Adam Lammert for being awarded BME Teacher of the Year for 2020-2021. Adam…
Congratulations to Karen Troy for being selected as the winner of the inaugural BME…
The Alfred R. and Janet H. Potvin Awards recognize outstanding BME undergraduate and graduate students at WPI.…
Biomedical engineering assistant professor Jeannine Coburn was awarded the 2021 Trustee…
The goal of the Prof. Robert A. Peura Founder Scholarship in Biomedical Engineering is to provide recognition and…
WPI Biomedical Engineering Department Chair and Professor Kris Billiar’s Interactive…
Kalenian Award Application Deadline on August 13th, 2021
The Kalenian Award, established in…
Applications are now available for the VIBE program! Read more on the VIBE website, or apply…