Notices and information from WPI divisions, departments, and offices.
Member of the Data Science Executive Advisory Board Dr. Les Servi (MITRE) will be giving a keynote talk at the 3,…
The School of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sam Walcott…
Rick Brown, electrical and computer engineering professor and Department Head, has been named the Weston Hadden…
Christina Bailey-Hytholt, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, was selected for the…
WIN Colloquium Series
Ye-Ji Mun
Shaping the Future of Coexistence: Systematic Inference and…
WPI Observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (…
This Fall, the Division of Talent & Inclusion will launch Management Essentials, an interactive, seven-session…
Thanks to Ukrainian Business School Graduate Student Mia Sorokotyaha and her…
On Monday, October 9, 2023, WPI will be hosting the first of our Fall Open House programs. As a result the…
The Dining Services…
Materials Science, Manufacturing Engineering and The WPI Business School…
Colder weather is coming, and the Facilities Team has begun the process to restart the campus heating system.…
Did you know that 90% of the ways in which we act unsustainably are unintentional? What…
As you may recall, the second round of nominations and elections for Staff Council took place this past Spring…
On October 4 and 5, all WPI-managed computers and laptops will automatically receive Chrome and Firefox security…
When you made your gift to WPI, you made an impact on so much more than an institution. Indeed, the difference you…
“Characterization Of the Post-Transcriptional Regulatory Role Of Putative RNA-Binding Proteins In Mycobacteria”…
Hire Date
Andrew Swallow
Assistant Track & Field Coach
The Division of Talent and Inclusion is pleased to announce the Inclusive Excellence Training and Development…
Planning an event on campus?
Once you have scheduled and coordinated with the Events Office, check out the …