
Office of the Provost

The Data Science Program is pleased to introduce a new faculty member who begins teaching in August, 2017.

Please welcome, Dr. Kyumin Lee, Assistant Professor, Data Science & Computer Science.


B.S. in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Kyonggi University, South Korea, in 2005.

M.S. in Computer Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, in 2007.

Ph.D. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University in 2013.

Dr. Lee’s research interests are in data science and data mining, cyber security, and social computing over large-scale networked information systems like the Web, social media and crowd-based systems. His research focus has both a positive and a negative dimension. On the one hand, Dr. Lee focuses on threats to these systems and designs methods to mitigate negative behaviors; on the other hand, he looks for positive opportunities to mine and analyze the systems for developing next generation algorithms and architectures that can empower decision makers.

Dr. Lee’s three research thrusts include a. Cybersecurity in Web, social and Crowdsourcing systems; b. Big Data Analytics and Mining; and c. Information Dissemination in Social Systems. 

Lee is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award and Google Faculty Research Award. 

Kyumin Lee, Ph.D.
Kyumin Lee, Ph.D.