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Building Tomorrow's Robotic Minds Today
WPI Robotics Engineering Department- Where Ideas Take Shape

Robotics Engineering Department

WPI is at the forefront of integrated robotics research and education with the Robotics Engineering Department, which is the first-of-its-kind in the nation and the most comprehensive in the world and with the largest student population seeking BS, MS, and PhD degrees. The Robotics Engineering Department has the largest market share in MS graduates in the nation in 2023. 

Robotics is defined as embodied intelligence, encompassing artificial intelligence and physical intelligence. Our pioneering approach to research and education is built on the foundation of advancing science and engineering to build better robots and robotic systems of the future. We have graduated thousands of roboticists and continue to prepare students for a future robotics workforce to tackle the technical, social, cultural, and ethical challenges that remain dynamic and constantly changing.  

Our research philosophy is unique since we not only conduct scientific discovery but also provide engineering solutions to tackle the problems of today to have an impact tomorrow. This also percolates into our educational regime: we provide extensive hands-on experience in all our courses with state-of-the-art lab facilities. We prioritize space for experimentation, and we foster competitive student teams that routinely win international robotics awards. 

Preview Robotic optical coherence tomography system hovers over a 3D-printed replica of a kidney in WPI's PracticePoint

WPI Develops Innovative Robotic System to Enhance Kidney Transplant Screening

Worcester Polytechnic Institute researchers believe a new robotic technology they’re developing can help save lives by improving the process of matching kidney donors with people awaiting a transplant. Their approach seeks to advance medical evaluations that determine whether a donated kidney is viable to be transplanted.

Preview From left, Cagdas Onal, PhD student Gabrielle Conard, and post-doctoral researcher Shoushan Chiang

WPI Researchers to Develop Robotic Arm for Wheelchairs

Inspired by origami, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) robotics engineering researchers are developing a lightweight, flexible robotic arm that will enable a wheelchair user to safely grasp, lift, and carry objects that would otherwise be out of reach.

Preview Jing Xiao presenting her plenary talk

Jing Xiao Presents Plenary Talk at IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration

Jing Xiao, Robotics Engineering Department Head, Deans’ Excellence Professor and William B. Smith Distinguished Fellow in Robotics Engineering, was a plenary speaker at IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration. IEEE/SICE SII is the “premier symposium series presenting the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of system integration, where industry experts, researchers, and academics share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthroughs, and innovative solutions and applications.”