ARC Tutoring Options & Info
ARC Tutors
ARC tutors are accomplished undergraduate students who assist peers with grasping new academic material and meeting instructors' standards. They aid students in comprehending lecture content, understanding practice problems, breaking down concepts, and gaining a broader perspective. They also promote independent learning with students as well as increasing student confidence.
ARC tutors provide both individual tutoring and MASH (group, drop-in tutoring) for select introductory STEM courses.
The College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) has certified the Academic Resources Center's tutor training program. This certification recognizes the rigorous standards and comprehensive training provided to tutors through the ARC. Tutors who successfully complete the approved ITTPC tutor training program requirements are recognized for achieving Level I and Level II certification. Learn more about CRLA ITTPC: ITTPC Main (
Math and Science Help (MASH)
MASH tutoring sessions are offered each term for select math, science, and computer science courses that are critical for student success. No appointment is needed to attend MASH sessions. You are encouraged to attend as many sessions during the term as you wish. Each session will be different as new material will have been covered and new questions posed. Bring your class material (class notes, practice problems) and your questions.
During MASH sessions, an ARC tutor will facilitate and guide the review of problems and concepts. Students attending the session will work with their peers who are taking the same course to problem solve and navigate through concepts together, compare notes, and enhance their study skills. MASH sessions are held in the Academic Resources Center before 6PM and also held both in the Academic Resources Center and the Exam Proctoring Center (Unity Hall Room 505) after 6PM. Although appointments are needed at attend MASH please be sure to check in at the front desk area on the 5th floor of Unity when you arrive for a MASH session.
MASH schedules are shared across campus at the beginning of each term. Students can come to the front desk area on the 5th floor of Unity to obtain a MASH schedule or they can find the schedule on the Office of Academic Advising social media pages, in the residence halls, and on the ARC Canvas page.
The C Term 2025 MASH Schedule can be found here: D Term 2025 MASH Schedule
The 2024-2025 courses tutored info can be found here: 2024-2025 ARC Courses Tutored
Individual Tutoring
Individual tutoring sessions provide opportunity to work one-on-one, or in a small group, with a tutor. Students are expected to come to sessions prepared and ready to actively engage and collaborate with the tutor. This may include bringing any example problems (not specific homework problems) that may be helpful to clarify what you would like to work on. Students are also expected to abide by the WPI Academic Integrity Policy at all times including during tutoring sessions.
Students can search for available individual tutoring appointments in courses the ARC offers tutoring for using Tutortrac.
If you cannot find an appointment within the upcoming two weeks that works for your schedule in TutorTrac, please fill out the ARC Tutoring Inquiry Form. This form will require you to provide your contact information, the specific course you would like tutoring for, as well as your available times and dates. It is important to ensure that your provided availability falls within the ARC's hours of operation and is at least 48 hours in advance. This allows sufficient time to connect you with an available tutor.
Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email within 1-3 business days acknowledging receipt of the form and next steps. Scheduling an appointment using TutorTrac is the best way to seek appointments for subjects that are offered for tutoring. The tutoring inquiry form serves as a supplemental resource primarily for situations where a student cannot find an appointment that fits their schedule (within the next two weeks) for a subject in which tutoring is offered through the ARC.
For courses that the ARC does not offer tutoring, please connect with your professor to attend office hours for additional support.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Academic Resources Center at
Want to schedule a tutoring appointment?
Visit Tutortrac to sign up for a tutoring appointment. No appointment is needed for Math and Science Help (MASH) sessions.
NOTE: Students are able to make a maximum of 3 tutoring appointments per course, per week. Students are limited to a maximum of 1 session per day (for 1-on-1 tutoring), per subject, to allow availability for other students.
There is no maximum amount of MASH sessions that a student can attend.
Students who have repeated missed or cancelled appointments will have their ability to schedule future tutoring appointments impacted