Student Services

Academic Advising provides you with support in your academic endeavors that is specialized for your class year to ensure that you are making the most of your time at WPI.

First Year

Academic Advising connects first year students to programs, support systems, and services that will help them become acclimated to life at WPI and have the most successful and positive First Year Experience possible. 


What is the sophoMORE Success Program ?
The mission of sophoMORE Success Program is to connect students with each other, Faculty, Staff, alumni and resources on-campus. Throughout the program, we will have programs in four major categories: academic, career, personal development, and social. These programs will help you define your sophomore year, and set yourself on a successful path to becoming an upperclassman at WPI! 
In addition to events, there will be weekly Office Hours held by the sophoMORE Success Program Mentors. These Office Hours will have various topics such as: Work/Life Balance, How to create a Support Network, Major Exploration, IQP Application help, Career Fair Prep, and much more! These will also be places to ask questions, hang out with friends or a quiet space to work on homework. 

Upcoming Events in B-Term:

See the Office of Academic Advising on campuslabs for all events.

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sopho MORE

If you have any questions on the sophoMORE Success Program, please contact


Your junior and senior years at WPI are full of exciting academic opportunities that develop and enhance the concepts of Theory and Practice. For many of you, the IQP will play an important role in shaping your junior year. Completing the IQP project on campus, off campus at a U.S. site, or overseas through the Global Projects Program, will allow you the opportunity to work in groups, conduct research in a field possibly beyond your major, communicate effectively, and develop a comprehensive written report. These are important skills that we expect all WPI graduates to develop and what graduate schools and post-graduate organizations value.

Your senior year provides great opportunities to explore your academic interests in greater depth and plan for your career after graduation. The cornerstone of your senior year is your Major Qualifying Project (MQP), which will help develop your problem solving, communication, and investigative skills while you apply the fundamental concepts and methods of your discipline to a current professional project. The skills you will develop through participation and completion of your MQP will be invaluable as you enter your field as a young professional or graduate student.

As you plan for graduation, be sure to discuss your tracking sheet and degree evaluation with your faculty advisor. These documents will help to confirm that you have completed all graduation requirements. Should any questions come up, never hesitate to make an appointment with Academic Advising.


Once you are formally offered admission to WPI, the Admissions Office will begin evaluating your transfer credit. You will be notified of the credits that transfer after you are offered admission to the institution. At that time, you should schedule a meeting with us to review your transfer credits and course schedule.

Fall and spring transfer students are invited to Transfer Student Orientation (TSO) in July and January. If you are admitted to WPI in the fall semester, you will be invited to New Student Orientation in August, where you will meet your Insight team. This team consists of an Insight Advisor, Resident Advisor, and a Community Advisor, and is a support system for you while you transition into WPI.