Peer Assistance
Combine your smarts with your leadership skills to contribute to the world of academia. Offer your expertise as a writing tutor, Global Ambassador, and more to help broaden your skills.
Global Ambassadors
In the Global Ambassadors program, students work closely with the Global Experience Office and the Global Projects Program to help promote study-abroad opportunities to the WPI community, including fellow students, alumni, and parents. Global Ambassadors are also available once students return from studying abroad to help them “unpack” their experiences and see how they can be used in the future for interviews and job opportunities. Email the Global Ambassadors officers for more information.
Math and Science Help (MASH) Leaders & Tutors
No, not the TV show—MASH Leaders are upper-class students who have already taken and succeeded in certain academic courses that are important for first-year success. In this compensated position, the leaders help students who are learning the material for the first time to better grasp concepts in lecture, understand the material, and meet the expectations of the instructors. MASH sessions are typically held in groups; it is also possible to become a tutor and work one-on-one with fellow students. Visit MASH or contact the Academic Resources Center for more information.
Writing Tutors
Freshmen, sophomore, and junior students who enjoy and excel at writing are encouraged to apply to become paid tutors at the Writing Center. This paid position is available to eligible students who have passed the A-Term course Teaching Writing, and is an excellent opportunity for participants to help fellow students while also improving their own writing. Visit the Writing Center for more information. Graduate students seeking professional development opportunities in teaching or tutoring should contact the director of the Writing Center, Professor Ryan Madan, for more information.