
Are you ready to become a member of WPI’s vibrant community of fraternities and sororities? Joining is easy—here’s everything you need to know. Be sure to check out the calendar and events listings for important dates and deadlines.


What is required to join a fraternity or sorority on campus?

  • First year and transfer students must successfully complete a term at WPI passing at minimum 2/3 of their A-Term courses. Students taking the semester-long math course must have earned 2/3 credits, not including the semester-long course, as no grade will have been earned in the course at the time of Formal Recruitment.
  • Upperclass students must have passed an average of 2/3 of their courses and must be in good standing academically.

What’s Involved?

  • There are several information sessions that occur during A-Term.  It is recommended that interested students attend an event or session to learn more about fraternity or sorority life on campus.
  • Take a tour of the fraternity or sorority houses, where you’ll meet members and learn more about the chapters.  
  • Signing your bid (invitation to join) from the chapter you’ve chosen to join
  • Participating in a variety of new member education activities, including meetings about chapter history and values
Preview Sisterhood!

Sorority Recruitment Events

There are two different types of sorority recruitment: Panhellenic Recruitment (primary and informal) and Intake.  Primary Sorority New Member Recruitment for Fall 2024, is October 22 through October 27. Chapters hosting Intake will publish their chapter specific schedules as they get closer to their Intake timeline. If you have any questions regarding Sorority Recruitment or require accessibility support, please email the Panhellenic Recruitment team or the Sorority Advisor, Emily Walker.

Interested in sorority recruitment? Fill out the interest form here.  This interest form is not a commitment to participate in recruitment.  Individuals who complete this form will receive an email directly with the registration link when it becomes available.

Women interested in participating in Panhellenic sorority recruitment must register on ICS. Registration will be available June 1, 2024 and can be found here.  Women interested in participating in Intake should reach out to Emily Walker for more information. See the list of chapters to identify which groups participate in Intake annually. For the most up current updates check out the sororities on Instagram @wpipanhellenic.

Preview Group Photo

Fraternity Recruitment Events

Fraternity New Member Recruitment begins the first week of B Term and continues through November. If you have any questions regarding Fraternity Recruitment or require accessibility support, email the Interfraternity Council (IFC)’s VP of Recruitment (check MyWPI for the contact information) or IFC Advisor Emily Walker

Students interested in participating in Fraternity Recruitment should fill out the IFC Recruitment Registration Form (which includes the Academic Release) on MyWPI. You can view the calendar of recruitment events beginning mid-October at the IFC website. Learn more about each fraternity and their unique houses on Instagram @wpiifc.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I decide which recruitment process to participate in?

WPI is fortunate to have 12 fraternities and 7 sororities.  The Interfraternity Council (IFC) oversees recruitment for the 12fraternities.  The Panhellenic Council oversees recruitment for 5 of the 7 sororities.  WPI's additional 2 sororities participate in a process similar to recruitment called Intake.  The chapters that participate in each respective recruitment/ intake process are listed below.  Students should participate in the recruitment for the gender with which they identify. Individuals who participate in recruitment must be a full-time WPI student.

Fraternities Sororities


*Hosts Intake annually

How do I decide which chapter to join?

Each person looks for different attributes in a fraternity or sorority.  Look carefully at all chapters and evaluate which best complements your values and personality.  Join the organization where you feel most comfortable.  If your are having trouble with your decision, your recruitment leader (fraternity recruitment) or Rho Gamma (sorority recruitment) are great resources.  

Can I join after my first year at WPI?

Any student who meets WPI's academic requirements is eligible to join a fraternity or sorority regardless of class year.  If you participated in recruitment the year prior and decided to revisit membership as a sophomore, junior or senior, you are more than welcome!

Do members have to live in the house?

Sorority and Fraternity housing is one of the multiple locations that WPI fraternity and sorority members may elect to take advantage of during their time at WPI.  Each chapter has their own method to decide who lives in a chapter facility for the year. These chapter houses are owned and operated by the chapter and are overseen by a chapter House Corporation that consists of alumni members from the class of 1962 to 2018.

Chapter housing selection begins in February and coincides with the university housing selection process.  Should questions arise about costs, room selection or life in the house, the chapter president will have information to be able to answer any and all questions you may have.

What are the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils?

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic Council (Panhel) are the governing bodies of the fraternities and sororities respectively.  They each have their own meetings once per week with the Chapter Presidents and Delegates from each chapter on campus.  Councils work to support programming efforts and support for the fraternity and sorority community.   

Click here to learn more about the InterFraternity Council. Find them on Instagram @wpiifc.

Click here to learn more about the Panhellenic Council. Find them on Instagram @wpipanhellenic.

What is Intake?  How is it different from Recruitment?

Intake is the process in which interested members participate in to join a culturally based fraternity or sorority.  The process varies from organization to organization and events range from formal events where interested individuals learn about the chapter to social events where interested members and active members socialize and connect.  Intake serves as a time to provide meaningful education about the chapter, develop lasting bonds between members and determine if chapter membership is right for them. Unlike Panhellenic Formal Recruitment or the IFC Primary Recruitment period, Intake is hosted and coordinated solely by the chapter.  This process is typically slightly longer than the Formal or Primary recruitment processes hosted by Panhellenic and IFC.