Singapore Project Center - IQP

Current Director(s)
Project Opportunities
Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP)

We are running a pilot program to Singapore this year! We will work with the Design and Innovation Center at the National University of Singapore on sponsored projects that NUS has their students working on. The Center has a project-based curriculum that has an IQP-like project. We thought we'd see if we could learn from each other. WPI and NUS students will be on separate teams but the two sets of students will working alongside each other, communicating as they go. You will be registered as an NUS students you so will have access to the NUS campus, its shuttle buses, cafeterias, gym, etc. And you'll be in Singapore! Singapore is a city-state, so it's easy to navigate. The food, languages, and religions all reflect the country's vibrant multicultural population. English is the official language, but you'll also hear many other languages on a daily basis. Singapore is a center of finance, food, banking, and culture in Southeast Asia--and it's a safe, efficiently run modern city. If you've ever seen "Crazy, Rich Asians" then you're already familiar with the food scene and some of Singapore's iconic architecture. And there's so much more. Come explore.

To be determined, but initial conversations included environmental and sustainability topics.