MS Saratov State University 1979
PhD Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1991

My professional interests include electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling, scientific computations, and optimization in interdisciplinary areas involving high frequency electromagnetics. I am particularly interested in phenomena linked with interactions of electromagnetic fields with matter including processes and systems in microwave power engineering. I run the Industrial Microwave Modeling Group (IMMG), which I established in 1999 as a division of WPI’s Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS). This unit allows me to enrich traditional research activities by direct interaction with the "real world" – with engineers, practitioners, and industrialists.

Oftentimes, people involved in development of related technologies do not have adequate support from mathematical and computer models and do not use modern resources for virtual prototyping. My group is focused on remedying this problem, cooperating with a wide range of institutions (from global corporations to small businesses) – especially involved with  technologies related to materials science and microwave plasma.

Students joining IMMG activities never do their projects just in order to stay busy and earn a grade; student work is designed as an integral (incremental or principal) part of our research programs. This approach opens the door for early interaction with industry, publications, and other outreach practice, allowing the students to gain important experience facilitating their upcoming postgraduate emergence into a complex world.

MS Saratov State University 1979
PhD Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1991

My professional interests include electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling, scientific computations, and optimization in interdisciplinary areas involving high frequency electromagnetics. I am particularly interested in phenomena linked with interactions of electromagnetic fields with matter including processes and systems in microwave power engineering. I run the Industrial Microwave Modeling Group (IMMG), which I established in 1999 as a division of WPI’s Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS). This unit allows me to enrich traditional research activities by direct interaction with the "real world" – with engineers, practitioners, and industrialists.

Oftentimes, people involved in development of related technologies do not have adequate support from mathematical and computer models and do not use modern resources for virtual prototyping. My group is focused on remedying this problem, cooperating with a wide range of institutions (from global corporations to small businesses) – especially involved with  technologies related to materials science and microwave plasma.

Students joining IMMG activities never do their projects just in order to stay busy and earn a grade; student work is designed as an integral (incremental or principal) part of our research programs. This approach opens the door for early interaction with industry, publications, and other outreach practice, allowing the students to gain important experience facilitating their upcoming postgraduate emergence into a complex world.

34 Boynton St.

Scholarly Work

M.T. Porter, J. Binner, M.K. Cinibulk, K.E. Stern, and V.V. Yakovlev (2023), Computational characterization of microwave heating of fibre preforms for CVI of SiCf/SiC composites, J. of European Ceramic Society, 56(1): 1808-1827.

J.M. Gaone, B.S. Tilley, and V.V. Yakovlev (2021), High-frequency homogenization for electromagnetic heating of periodic media, SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,  19(3): 1285-1309. 

A.A. Mohekar, B.S. Tilley, and V.V. Yakovlev (2020), A triple layer electromagnetic heat exchanger with plane Poiseuille flow: control and local onset of thermal runaway, IEEE J. on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 5: 119-131. 

M.C. Robinson, J.A. Molles, V.V. Yakovlev, and Z. Popovic (2023), Solid-state power combining for heating small volumes of mixed waste materials, IEEE J. of Microwaves, 3(3): 881-983.

E.K. Murphy and V.V. Yakovlev (2011), Neural network optimization of complex microwave structures with a reduced number of full-wave analyses, Intern. J. of RF & Microwave Computer-Aided Engng, 21(2): 279-287. 

C.M. Hogan, B.W. Hoff, I.M. Rittersdorf, and V.V. Yakovlev (2022), Computational characterization of millimeter-wave heat exchangers with an AlN:Mo susceptor of multiple cylindrical elements, J. Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy, 56(1): 18–36.

Professional Highlights & Honors