Salisbury Labs 317D
Affiliated Department or Office
AA Bard College and Simon's Rock
BA Rice University
MA University of Virginia
PhD University of Virginia

Jeanine Skorinko is a professor of psychology at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies. She also is the director of the Psychological & Cognitive Science program. She received her PhD in social psychology at the University of Virginia.

Her research program attempts to understand how factors in our social environment, especially those factors we are unaware of, influence decisions and interpersonal interactions. She investigates how different types of external and internal influences (e.g., subtle contextual signs, stereotypes/stigmas, perceptions of others, the ability to perspective take, cultural orientation) affect perceptions, decisions, and self-views, especially in the legal and organizational domains.

She is excited to put these areas of expertise at work as the PI on WPI's ADVANCE Adaptation grant from the National Science Foundation (2018-2022). Professor Skorinko and four WPI colleagues (Chrys Demetry, Natalie Farney, Elizabeth Lingo, and Sue Roberts) are coordinating efforts to improve the promotion pathway from Associate-to-Full for all faculty. The ultimate goal of this work is to increase gender (and other) representation among the senior ranks of faculty.

She is also excited to use her areas of expertise as Co-PI on a grant with Professor Venkatasubramanian from the Massachusetts Disabled Person's Protection commission to develop assistive technologies for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities recognize, respond, and report abuse.

Professor Skorinko also enjoys teaching and mentoring students. At WPI, Professor Skorinko teaches PSY1400: Introduction to Psychological Science, PSY1402: Social Psychology, PSY2406: Cross Cultural Psychology, PSY2407: Psychology of Gender, PSY2504: Human Sexuality, PSY 3000: Psychology and Law, and PSY3500: Experimental Design and Analysis.

She also happily accepts students to work and volunteer in her SPI (Social Psychology Inquiry) Lab and encourages students to contact her if interested.

Please also check out a special issue Professor Skorinko guest edited with Professors Giuliano and Fallon on engaging undergraduates in publishable research.

Visit Digital WPI to view student projects advised by Professor Skorinko.

Affiliated Department or Office
AA Bard College and Simon's Rock
BA Rice University
MA University of Virginia
PhD University of Virginia

Jeanine Skorinko is a professor of psychology at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies. She also is the director of the Psychological & Cognitive Science program. She received her PhD in social psychology at the University of Virginia.

Her research program attempts to understand how factors in our social environment, especially those factors we are unaware of, influence decisions and interpersonal interactions. She investigates how different types of external and internal influences (e.g., subtle contextual signs, stereotypes/stigmas, perceptions of others, the ability to perspective take, cultural orientation) affect perceptions, decisions, and self-views, especially in the legal and organizational domains.

She is excited to put these areas of expertise at work as the PI on WPI's ADVANCE Adaptation grant from the National Science Foundation (2018-2022). Professor Skorinko and four WPI colleagues (Chrys Demetry, Natalie Farney, Elizabeth Lingo, and Sue Roberts) are coordinating efforts to improve the promotion pathway from Associate-to-Full for all faculty. The ultimate goal of this work is to increase gender (and other) representation among the senior ranks of faculty.

She is also excited to use her areas of expertise as Co-PI on a grant with Professor Venkatasubramanian from the Massachusetts Disabled Person's Protection commission to develop assistive technologies for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities recognize, respond, and report abuse.

Professor Skorinko also enjoys teaching and mentoring students. At WPI, Professor Skorinko teaches PSY1400: Introduction to Psychological Science, PSY1402: Social Psychology, PSY2406: Cross Cultural Psychology, PSY2407: Psychology of Gender, PSY2504: Human Sexuality, PSY 3000: Psychology and Law, and PSY3500: Experimental Design and Analysis.

She also happily accepts students to work and volunteer in her SPI (Social Psychology Inquiry) Lab and encourages students to contact her if interested.

Please also check out a special issue Professor Skorinko guest edited with Professors Giuliano and Fallon on engaging undergraduates in publishable research.

Visit Digital WPI to view student projects advised by Professor Skorinko.

Salisbury Labs 317D
Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

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SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

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SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries

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SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

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Scholarly Work

Professor Skorinko investigates social factors that influence our attitudes, decisions, and interactions. This includes factors such as stigmas, stereotypes, culture, and perspective taking. 

Featured works:

Open Science Collaboration. (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological scienceScience349(6251), aac4716. 

Riemer, A. R., Gervais, S. J., Skorinko, J. L., Douglas, S. M., Spencer, H., Nugai, K., ... & Miles-Novelo, A. (2019). She looks like she’d be an animal in bed: Dehumanization of drinking women in social contextsSex Roles80, 617-629. 

Skorinko, J. L., Laurent, S., Bountress, K., Nyein, K. P., & Kuckuck, D. (2014). Effects of perspective taking on courtroom decisionsJournal of Applied Social Psychology44(4), 303-318. 

Skorinko, J. L., & Sinclair, S. A. (2013). Perspective taking can increase stereotyping: The role of apparent stereotype confirmationJournal of Experimental Social Psychology49(1), 10-18. 

Sinclair, S., Huntsinger, J., Skorinko, J., & Hardin, C. D. (2005). Social tuning of the self: consequences for the self-evaluations of stereotype targetsJournal of personality and social psychology89(2), 160.  


Professional Highlights & Honors
NSF ADVANCE Adaptation Grant: Toward ‘FULL’ Representation of Women in STEM at WPI, PI, 2018-2022
Journal of Business & Psychology, Editorial Board for Special Feature, Fighting the 400-year Pandemic: Racism Against Black People in Organizations, 2021-2022
Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Program (WPI), Director, 2020-Present
Psychological Science Undergraduate Program (WPI), Program Director, 2008-2020
Frontiers in Psychology, Guest Editor for Special Issue on Engaging Undergraduates in Publishable Research 2018-2019
Institute of Feminist Academic Psychologists (IFAP), Scholar/Fellow, 2018
New England Psychological Association (NEPA), President, 2013-2014
Romeo L Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovative Undergraduate Education (WPI), 2012


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The New York Times
11 Supposedly Fun Things We’ll Never Do the Same Way Again

Jeanine Skorinko, professor of psychology, was mentioned in The New York Times article. Skorinko said people's behavior in the new, COVID-19 normal will reflect what they perceive others to be doing. "If your group keeps social-distancing rules, talks quietly, and avoids sharing drinks, you’re likely to follow suit," for example.