Steven C. Bullock is professor of history at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he was a recipient of the Trustees' Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Scholarship. He has also served as a Fulbright Lecturer in Okinawa, Japan.
He is the author of Tea Sets and Tyranny: The Politics of Politeness in Early America (University of Pennsylvania, 2017), Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840 (University of North Carolina Press, 1996), and The American Revolution: A History in Documents (Oxford University Press, 2003). He has also published in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, and the William & Mary Quarterly, where his piece on the confidence man Tom Bell received the Percy Adams Prize for the year's best article in eighteenth-century studies.
Prof. Bullock has spoken widely to academic and public groups, commented on Masonry and American history on ABC and NPR, and appeared in documentaries airing on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, Channel Four (France), and elsewhere.

Steven C. Bullock is professor of history at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he was a recipient of the Trustees' Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Scholarship. He has also served as a Fulbright Lecturer in Okinawa, Japan.
He is the author of Tea Sets and Tyranny: The Politics of Politeness in Early America (University of Pennsylvania, 2017), Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840 (University of North Carolina Press, 1996), and The American Revolution: A History in Documents (Oxford University Press, 2003). He has also published in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, and the William & Mary Quarterly, where his piece on the confidence man Tom Bell received the Percy Adams Prize for the year's best article in eighteenth-century studies.
Prof. Bullock has spoken widely to academic and public groups, commented on Masonry and American history on ABC and NPR, and appeared in documentaries airing on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, Channel Four (France), and elsewhere.
Scholarly Work
Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840 (University of North Carolina Press, 1996) 1996
"What Ben Franklin Could Teach Us About Civility and Politics," Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2016. 2016
"The handsome tokens of a funeral: Glove-giving and the Large Funeral in Eighteenth-Century New England," The William and Mary Quarterly, LXIX, no. 2 (2012), 305-346. 2012
“'Often concerned in funerals': Ritual, Material Culture, and the Large Funeral in the age of Samuel Sewall," in Martha McNamara and Georgia B. Barnhill, ed., New Views of New England: Studies in Material and Visual Culture to 1830 (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 2012), 181-211 2012
"Masons, Skulls, and Secret Chambers: Dan Brown and America's Founding," in Daniel Burstein and Arne de Keijzer, ed., Secrets of The Lost Symbol: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code Sequel (New York, 2009) 2009