Affiliated Department or Office
Environmental & Sustainability Studies
PhD Ohio State University 2008
MS Ohio State University 2003
BS Bucknell University 1996

I possess a strong commitment to student education, and a goal of mine is to stimulate students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Recently, students and I have been on a journey to open classroom content and discussions in an interdisciplinary and inclusive way. Students are challenged to rethink their role as active knowledge producers beyond the class as students become co-authors of open educational resources. For example, students are co-authors of multiple texts, like Extinction Stories, Climate Lessons, and Current Challenges in Biodiversity and Conservation. More examples include educational resources like lesson plans on the restoration of red wolf populations (doi:10.25334/1X6V-F106, featured on QUBES) and soil science in your backyard ( on OER Commons). 

The goal of my research program is to promote the conservation of biodiversity by maintaining viable wildlife populations across the landscape. Specifically, my research addresses the influence of anthropogenic disturbances, like forest management, urbanization, and agriculture, on wildlife. My goal is to open students' eyes to the interconnected world of science by using my research as an example of how to assimilate science and the role of conservation in today's world. Ultimately, I aim to provide an inclusive and enjoyable environment that fosters the learning process for students and allows us all to be lifelong learners.

Marja by the sea
Affiliated Department or Office
Environmental & Sustainability Studies
PhD Ohio State University 2008
MS Ohio State University 2003
BS Bucknell University 1996

I possess a strong commitment to student education, and a goal of mine is to stimulate students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Recently, students and I have been on a journey to open classroom content and discussions in an interdisciplinary and inclusive way. Students are challenged to rethink their role as active knowledge producers beyond the class as students become co-authors of open educational resources. For example, students are co-authors of multiple texts, like Extinction Stories, Climate Lessons, and Current Challenges in Biodiversity and Conservation. More examples include educational resources like lesson plans on the restoration of red wolf populations (doi:10.25334/1X6V-F106, featured on QUBES) and soil science in your backyard ( on OER Commons). 

The goal of my research program is to promote the conservation of biodiversity by maintaining viable wildlife populations across the landscape. Specifically, my research addresses the influence of anthropogenic disturbances, like forest management, urbanization, and agriculture, on wildlife. My goal is to open students' eyes to the interconnected world of science by using my research as an example of how to assimilate science and the role of conservation in today's world. Ultimately, I aim to provide an inclusive and enjoyable environment that fosters the learning process for students and allows us all to be lifelong learners.

Goddard Hall, 100 Institute RD
Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries

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SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

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SDG 13: Climate Action

SDG 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

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SDG 14: Life Below Water

SDG 14: Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

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SDG 15: Life on Land

SDG 15: Life on Land - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

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Scholarly Work

Bakermans, M.H., and G. Pfeifer. 2018. A model for translational science in undergraduate courses. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16:319-321.

Bakermans, M.H., and R. Ziino Plotke. 2018. Assessing information literacy instruction in interdisciplinary first year project-based courses with STEM students. Library & Information Science Research 40:98-105.

Tisdale, A.C., Jones, J.A., K.A. Aldinger, M.H. Bakermans, J.L. Larkin, D.J. McNeil, C.G. Smalling, and L. Siefferman. 2018. Geography and age are related to plumage ornamentation of male Golden-winged Warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130:286-296.

Hager, S., B. Cosentino, M. A. Aguilar, M.L. Anderson, M.H. Bakermans, et al. 2017. Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation 212: 209-215.

McNeil, D.J., K. Aldinger, M.H. Bakermans, J.A. Lehman, A.C. Tisdale, J.A. Jones, P.B.Wood, D.A. Bueheler, C.G.Smalling, L. Siefferman, and J.L. Larkin. 2017. An evaluation and comparison of conservation guidelines for an at-risk migratory species. Global Ecology and Conservation 9:90-103.

Jones, J.A., A.C. Tisdale, J.L. Tucker, M.H. Bakermans, J.L. Larkin, C.G. Smalling, and L. Siefferman. 2016. A case of mistaken identity: Understanding the stimulus of agonism between two wood warblers. Animal Behavior 114:81-91.

Professional Highlights & Honors


Vineyard Gazette
Tracking Rare Whippoorwills on the Island

The Vineyard Gazette included WPI wildlife research in its article. “Marja Bakermans, a researcher at WPI who focuses on migratory songbirds, began a study last year where she outfitted whippoorwills with geolocator backpacks to track the exact spots where the birds winter,” the Gazette reported.