In the News

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Computer science department head provides analysis on global technology outage

Professor Craig Shue, head of the computer science department, helped explain the causes of, impacts from, and lessons learned by the worldwide outage that resulted from a faulty CrowdStrike cybersecurity update. He was interviewed by and featured in reports from NPR and The Boston Globe. He was also quoted in The Associated Press in its coverage.




WGBH’s Morning Edition” profiled bird research by Associate Teaching Professor Marja Bakerman, “Tracking Massachusetts’ Disappearing Whip-Poor-Wills”. The research project, a collaboration between WPI and Mass Wildlife, features catching and putting GPS tags on the birds to collect data on their travels,” the report stated.  

Vineyard Gazette

The Vineyard Gazette included WPI wildlife research in its article. “Marja Bakermans, a researcher at WPI who focuses on migratory songbirds, began a study last year where she outfitted whippoorwills with geolocator backpacks to track the exact spots where the birds winter,” the Gazette reported.