Meeting Materials 2015-2016
May 10, 2016
- Addendum 1: COG and FAP Presentation to revise FAP's Membership, Charge and Name (PDF)
- Addendum 2: COG and CGSR Presentation to revise CGSR's Membership (PDF)
- Addendum 3: COG Report on TTT-NTT Balance (PDF)
April 14, 2016
- Addendum 1: COG-FAP Modification of FAP Membership, Charge, and Name (PDF)
- Addendum 2: FAP Proposal on Compensation for Summer Teaching (PDF)
- Addendum 3: CITP Report on Planned Updates to the myWPI System (PDF)
- Addendum 4: Preparing for the Future of the PhD (PDF)
March 17, 2016
- Addendum 1: Memorial Resolution for Prof. Gordon Branch (PDF)
- Addendum 2: CAP Modifications on Pay-for-Credit Work (PDF)
- Addendum 3: Gensler Presentation of the Foisie Innovation Studio (PDF)
February 16, 2016
Meeting Materials
- Addendum 1: COAP Report on the Task Force on Academic Promotions (PDF)
- Addendum 2: CAP Report on Pay-for-Credit Project Work (PDF)
January 21, 2016
Meeting Materials
- Addendum 1: SOF Tribute to Chuck Kornik (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Memorial Resolution for Professor Robert Connors
- Addendum 3: How is FAP Evolving Under Our New Administration (PDF)
- Addendum 4: FAP Part 2 (PDF)
- Addendum 5: WPI's Research Enterprise in the Strategic Plan (PDF)
December 18, 2015
- Addendum 1: SOF Opening Remarks (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Memorial Resolution for Dean William Grogan (PDF)
- Addendum 3: Description of Modifications to CITP (PDF)
- Addendum 4: Foisie Innovation Studio (PDF)
November 19, 2015
- Addendum 1: Attributes of a Provost (PDF)
- Addendum 2: Provost's Special Report on Deans (PDF)
October 16, 2015
- Addendum 1: SOF Topics for Discussion and Examples of Future Business (PDF)
- Addendum 2: President Leshin's Remarks (PDF)
September 8, 2015
- Addendum 1: May 13, 2015 Final GRAD List (PDF)
- Addendum 2: May 13, 2015 Final UG List (PDF)
- Addendum 3: CGSR Proposed PhD in Data Science (PDF)