
New Employee Orientation

New Employee Orientation (NEO) is held every other Monday morning throughout the calendar year.  If an observed holiday falls on a Monday of the week NEO is offered, Orientation will fall on the next day.  All new employees should attend a NEO or meet with a member of the Talent & Inclusion staff upon the start of their employment to:  review benefits, complete benefits enrollment tasks, comply with the I-9 requirement, and obtain a "New Employee Information Package" with campus map, benefit literature, policy and benefits manual, etc. 

Introductory Review Period
Introductory Review Period

This Introductory Review Period provides for job adjustment and an opportunity for both the employee and the supervisor to determine whether or not the employment relationship is a good match.   

There is a three (3) month introductory review period for non-exempt employees and a six (6) month introductory review period for exempt staff. This applies to all new WPI employees or current WPI employees in a new position on campus.   

At the completion of the introductory review period, a supervisor will evaluate the new employee’s performance and complete an evaluation through Workday  The introductory review period may be extended if it is determined by a supervisor and Talent & Inclusion that more time is needed to evaluate an employee’s performance. 

Nothing that occurs during or after the introductory review period changes the nature of the “at-will” employment relationship between the employee and WPI. 

Employment at Will

Upon hire, all employees receive a written confirmation of being hired at WPI, which includes documentation of wage, benefits and references to specific policies and procedures that help guide employees and their managers in their everyday work life. However, neither hiring, transfer or promotion letters nor employee policies and procedures are a contract guaranteeing employment for any specific duration.   

Employees at WPI are all considered at-will.  This means that WPI may terminate your employment at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. Likewise, we respect your right to leave the University at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. 

Nothing in this Manual or any other University document should be understood as creating guaranteed or continued employment, a right to termination only “for cause,” or of any other guarantee of continued benefits or employment. At will relationships may only be modified by the President and enforceable with an executed written agreement. 

Background Checks

As part of the hiring process, WPI verifies work authorization and identity, as well as collecting relevant references and completes a criminal check for the final candidate who is offered employment at WPI.   

In addition, as part of the hiring process for positions at WPI that regularly handle credit cards and other University funds, WPI may collect credit check information for the final candidate who is offered employment at WPI. 

All background checks and credit checks follow WPI’s Background Check Policy, available here. 

Immigration Reform and Control Act

WPI is required to maintain records documenting the identity and eligibility to work for all regular (full-time and part-time) employees and temporary employees hired after November 6, 1986.   

Employees are required to complete federal Form I-9 during the onboarding process in Workday.  In addition, all employees must present evidence of identity and employment eligibility by providing one or more documents as outlined on the I-9 form to Talent & Inclusion.     

If the I-9 form and submission of an employee’s evidence of identity and employment eligibility is not completed during the first three (3) days of employment, WPI is required by law to terminate employment. Under current law, it is unlawful for WPI to employ individuals who fail to provide appropriate I-9 verification or whose employment eligibility is revoked or expired. 

For current employees, if an employee’s employment eligibility status has changed, please inform the direct supervisor. 

Employment of Relatives

The potential hire or transfer of relatives to work at WPI must be reviewed and approved by the Division of Talent & Inclusion in advance. Relatives include parents and children, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, step-relatives in the same relationship, and domestic partners.   

No individual shall be employed in a regular full-time or part time position by WPI or transferred to a department under the supervision, either directly or indirectly, of an immediate relative or member of their household who has or may have a direct effect on the individual's progress, performance or welfare as an employee at WPI.  Temporary employees who work less than three (3) days total are an exception and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Hours of Work

The WPI workweek is the seven-day period beginning Sunday morning at 12:01 a.m. All offices are expected to be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.   

Full-time non-exempt (hourly) and exempt (salaried) staff generally work 40 hours per week (Monday through Friday), 52 weeks per year.  Employees should talk to their supervisors for specific hour requirements for their positions.  The normal workday is 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with two paid 15-minute breaks and a daily unpaid lunch period of one (1) hour, normally from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.  Some non-exempt staff work 37 ½  hours per week, 52 weeks per year. 

Hours worked, as well as starting/ending times may vary and will be determined by each supervisor.  Variations in individual schedules must be documented in the FlexWork Agreement available on Workday.   

Remote and Flexible Work

WPI recognizes that offering remote and flexible work options has the potential to improve job satisfaction, enhance employee recruitment and retention, optimize building and space planning and achieve a more fulfilling work/life balance, while continuing to support WPI’s vibrant and inclusive culture.  WPI encourages employees and managers to explore the remote and flexible work options described in the Remote and Flexible Work Policy. 

All remote and flexible work arrangements must be documented in the Flexible Work Agreement available on Workday. 

Identification Cards

Immediately after beginning work at WPI, employees who work on campus must obtain an identification card from the Housing & Residential Experience Center, located in East Hall.   

The WPI ID card has many uses. The WPI ID card serves as your employee identification and as a key for any of the electronic card access locks on campus.  It may also be used to attend any on-campus WPI sporting event free of charge, as a library card for borrowing library items from the Gordon Library, Dining Club Plus membership (complete details available at Dining Services), as a free pass to WPI’s Sports & Recreation Center, and as a free pass to the Worcester Art Museum.   

Please note, an Academic and Research Collaborative (ARC) card is needed to borrow books directly from other selected ARC libraries.  To receive information about ARC libraries please contact the Reference Department of Gordon Library.    

Position Types

Employment positions at WPI are classified as: Regular Exempt (Full-Time or Part-Time), Regular Non-Exempt (Full-Time or Part-Time), or Temporary/Seasonal. 


Some positions are classified as “Exempt” under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Exempt employees are employees that are paid on a salaried basis and are not eligible for overtime pay unless as otherwise required by federal or state laws.   


Some positions are classified as “Non-Exempt” under the FLSA.  Non-exempt employees hold positions that do not fall into the FLSA’s exempt categories, are eligible for overtime pay, and are paid on an hourly basis. 


Temporary employees are hired for a specific period or specific work project. Temporary employees may be considered Exempt or Non-Exempt under the FLSA depending on the position. The University may seek to  extend the duration of temporary employment where necessary. 

Temporary employees may be eligible for WPI health insurance in accordance with the Affordable Care Act following twelve months of service.  

Position Descriptions

Position descriptions are important documents that capture details of the work performed for a position.  At WPI, position descriptions provide the foundation for so much more: 

  • Performance discussions - Promote a clear, shared understanding of a job’s essential functions and clarity in expectations and performance standards. 
  • Career Development - Facilitate an understanding of job hierarchies, which allows and encourages employees and managers to share how they can create a career plan together. 
  • Recruiting and Promotion - Facilitate development of job postings that accurately reflect a job’s major responsibilities, help identify the most qualified candidates, and provide new employees with a clear understanding of the job. 
  • Internal Equity - Ensure employees with similar responsibilities, performance, knowledge, skills, and experience are paid fairly and equitably and assigned the appropriate salary structure/grades.   
  • Benchmarking – Assist in determining the appropriate compensation market comparisons. 
  • Compliance – Facilitates WPI’s compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. 

When duties and/or responsibilities change or a new position is created, a revised or new position description is prepared.  It is the responsibility of each supervisor, department head, and the Division of Talent & Inclusion to ensure the position description is reviewed and updated. The Division of Talent & Inclusion has the responsibility for maintaining up-to-date position descriptions, evaluating positions and assigning pay grades.   

For help developing a position description, please contact your Talent Strategy Partner. 

Performance Reviews

WPI typically conducts an annual performance review process where employees receive a written performance evaluation from their supervisor.  The review is an opportunity for staff and managers to engage in important conversations regarding: 

  • An assessment of the employee’s performance over the previous year including recognition of significant accomplishments. 
  • Performance standards are clarified in conjunction with the current position description (i.e., so that employees know what is expected of them). 
  • Clear understanding of where improvement may be needed, and agreement on how that improvement can be achieved. 
  • Mutually identify goals and objectives for the next year and how these will be measured and evaluated in future performance evaluations. 

Written performance evaluations will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. An employee who would like to add comments to his or her written performance evaluation may do so in Workday and these comments arepart of the employee’s personnel file. 

The annual performance review is in addition to the introductory review period for new employees or current employees in a new position. 

Promotions, Reclassification of Position and Transfers

WPI encourages employees to continually develop their skills and to advance their careers.   


WPI will attempt to fill vacancies from within, based on the policies and criteria described further below. Employees who can perform higher levels of work and assume greater responsibility are encouraged to apply for and/or speak with their supervisors about being considered for a promotion to a position of greater opportunity, challenge, and/or pay. 


Employees may apply for another position at WPI for which the employee is qualified. If an employee applies for the position and is selected for an interview, the employee is encouraged to notify their current manager out of courtesy and continuity of business. Managers are encouraged to support employees’ efforts to further their career growth by considering other opportunities at WPI. No employee will be adversely affected by expressing interest in another job opening at WPI. 

To be eligible for a transfer, an employee must be in good standing in their current position. 

The transfer within or between departments is arranged between Department Heads and the Division of Talent & Inclusion in conjunction with the individual staff member to be transferred. The Division of Talent & Inclusion is responsible for the coordination of all internal and external advertising. Employees who are interested in another position at WPI must apply for the position through WPI’s internal career portal. 

The following factors are considered for a promotion, reclassification, or transfer:  

  • Length of time in current position. Generally, a request for a promotion, reclassification, or transfer may not be considered until completion of the introductory review period in the employee’s current position. 
  • The employee’s good standing in their current position. 
  • A consistent and sustained record of accomplishment of excellent performance in their current position, based on their performance evaluations. 
  • Demonstration that the employee has significantly increased their job responsibilities during their time in their current position.
Change of Personal Data

Employees are responsible for keeping their personal data updated in Workday. All changes in an employee’s personal data (i.e. name, address, marital or dependent status for an employee or dependent should be entered directly in Workday.  This ensures that all necessary forms relating to payroll and benefit changes may be completed.  Failure to do so may result in lost or delayed payment of benefits.

Employee Personnel Files

The personnel files for all non-faculty employees are retained in the Division of Talent & Inclusion.  WPI respects the privacy of its employees and strives to keep employee personnel files confidential.    Access to personnel files is on a “need-to-know” basis only. This includes supervisors and others in management reviewing the file for promotion, transfer or layoff. 

In Massachusetts, employees are entitled to review their personnel file.  Employees wishing to do so should contact the Division of Talent & Inclusion to arrange a date and time for such review during normal business hours with a Talent & Inclusion representative.   

WPI is required to notify an employee2 within ten (10) days of placing any information in the employee’s personnel file that is, has been used, or may be used to negatively affect the employee’s qualification for employment, promotion, transfer, or additional compensation or the possibility that the employee will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Break in Service

All part-time or full-time employees who are re-hired at WPI within one (1) year of their departure date will be “bridged” for purposes of computing eligibility for benefits (including earned sick leave, as applicable) and years of service towards long service.  All part-time or full-time employees who are rehired at WPI more than one (1) year after their departure date will retain the years of service towards long service, but will be treated as a new employee for benefits eligibility (including earned sick leave). 

Reduction in Force

WPI values the stability of its workforce.  If the University determines that a reduction in force is necessary due to the elimination of programs, reduction in student enrollment, reduction in services, reorganization, or any other reason, the University will attempt to accomplish reductions through attrition whenever practical.   

If circumstances call for a reduction in force, the criteria used to determine which employees to retain include, in the following order: (1) the operational needs of the University, (2) an employee’s qualifications and demonstrated ability, and (3) an employee’s seniority.  Seniority may take precedence when qualifications and demonstrated ability to do the particular job(s) are determined to be equal by the University.  The determination of qualifications and ability will be made by the University. 

Termination of Employment
Termination of Employment

Employment at WPI is at-will and either the employee or WPI may terminate employment at any time for any reason. 

Voluntary Termination 

A voluntary termination is a termination initiated by the employee (i.e., a resignation or a retirement).   

Employees who terminate their employment at WPI are asked to give the University at least two (2) weeks’ advance notice (for non-exempt (hourly) staff employees) and at least four (4) weeks’ advance notice (for exempt (salaried) staff employees).   

Employees wishing to terminate from the university must formally resign in the Workday system.  A copy of the resignation letter should be submitted to the direct supervisor and entered into Workday.   

In some cases, the University may accept an employee’s resignation effective immediately or as of another date before the notice period ends.   

Involuntary Termination 

An involuntary termination is any termination of employment initiated by the University.  If it is necessary for WPI to lay off an employee, WPI will notify the employee of the effective date of the layoff as far in advance as reasonably practical under the circumstances. 

Exit Interview 

If an employee terminates employment with the University through resignation, retirement, or another voluntary termination, the employee will be scheduled for an exit interview with the Division of Talent & Inclusion.  During this meeting, the employee will be informed of any termination benefits to which they may be entitled and any continuing obligations the employee may have, such as loans.  University keys, books, tools, equipment, ID cards, uniforms and other University property must be returned at this time.. An exit interview will also  launch in Workday. The purpose of the exit interview is to provide management with greater insight into employee relations and reasons that employees choose to leave the University.  Your cooperation in the exit interview process is appreciated. 

Final Pay 

In cases of voluntary termination or retirement, final pay will usually be issued on the next regular payday following their departure date.  In cases of an involuntary termination, final pay is issued on the date of termination.   

Final pay includes payment for all hours worked since the employee’s last payday and payment for any earned but unused vacation time.  Final pay is reduced by taxes and other required legal deductions, authorized deductions (such as employee contributions to WPI’s health insurance).  Upon separation from employment, all debts payable to the University must be settled. 


An employee may retire from WPI at or after the age of 59 ½ with 10 or more years of benefits-eligible employment. Staff retirees can maintain access to the following resources after retirement:

  • Campus Recreation Center
  • Library (limited to on-site use and to borrowing of print books; does not include remote access to digital resources unless retiree also has emeritus status)
  • WPI email
  • University paid life insurance plan.  The amount of the insurance is reduced to $15,000 for the first year of retirement, to $7,500 for the second year of retirement, and to $5,000 for the third year of retirement and all subsequent years. 

Faculty retirees with emeritus status retain access to all of the above, as well as remote access to digital Library resources and OneDrive.

Reach out to benefits@wpi.edu with questions.