Peer Support & Training

Help Friends When They Need You Most

Whether helping a friend work through a crisis or educating your peers about drugs and alcohol, there are countless ways for you to put your leadership skills to the test while also helping to make your peers aware of important issues around them.

Student Support Network

The first of its kind in the nation, the Student Support Network (SSN) is a six-week training course that is held during B-, C-, and D-terms, and gives students the skills to help their friends in crisis or distress. Participants will discuss mental and emotional health, how to identify the warning signs of a friend who’s struggling, resources to connect them to, and more.

Through the SSN, students will be able to practice situations with role-playing and visualization to build their abilities to respond effectively when a real incident occurs. Students will also learn empathetic listening and responding skills, and look at issues from a variety of viewpoints, thinking about them without perpetuating stigmas.

All interested students are welcome, and can be assured that they’ll never be turned away from SSN training unless there’s a scheduling conflict or a session has become full. The main goal of the SSN is to expand and enrich the campus support network so that every member of the WPI community has someone looking out for them—any students interested in being a part of it can fill out the application form to get started; faculty or staff members who are interested in completing the program during A-term can email the SDCC for more information. Apply today.


Active Minds @ WPI

The members of Active Minds work to raise awareness on campus and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and concerns. Members host movie screenings, panels, guest speakers, and stress relief activities during final exams. It’s easy to join—simply attend an event or one of the many open meetings, and join their mailing list to stay up to date on events and elections. Contact Sabrina Rebecchi for more information.

Students Mentoring Active Responsibility Together (SMART)

The students involved in the Student Mentoring Active Responsibility Together (SMART) organization educate their fellow peers about alcohol and other drugs through programs, trainings and collaboration with other student groups to bring awareness to the issues of alcohol and other drug use in our community. Other topics that are included are harm reduction active bystander intervention, and how to help a loved one who may be struggling with substance abuse. Contact the SDCC (508-831-5540 or for more information. 

Students Preventing Assault and Rape in our Community (SPARC) 

The students involved in Students Preventing Assault and Rape in Our Community (SPARC) educate their peers through programs, trainings and collaboration with other student groups to bring awareness to the issue of sexual violence in our community.  These programs are designed to prevent sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment, and stalking.


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The SSN training from the Student Development and Counseling Center taught me how to help my peers when they were in need. This experience has proved invaluable over the years; I would recommend it, without reservation, to any student who is interested. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote