
Types of Purchases

Computer Equipment & Mobile Device

WPI ITS purchases computers and laptops for campus offices and labs. Our staff works with both departments, and end-users to meet their needs.
Desktops and laptops are provided by Dell unless a MacBook is requested. Docking stations, extra monitors and other peripherals can also be purchased by departments for staff if needed.


Equipment is defined as tangible, non-expendable, personal property with an anticipated useful life of one year or more costing greater than or equal to $5,000. The acquisition cost is the net invoice unit price of the property including the cost of modification, attachments, accessories or auxiliary parts necessary to make the property usable for its intended purpose. Charges such as freight and installation will be included in the overall cost if these charges are listed on the same invoice. Spare or replacement parts will generally be classified as supplies.

Installation, Site Preparation and Training
For purchases of equipment with a value of $5,000 or more, the Equipment Purchase Form (PDF) must be completed and uploaded to the PO in Workday. When purchasing equipment, identify the responsible parties, cost and timing of installation of the equipment. If the supplier will perform the installation it must be confirmed that the supplier has adequate liability and worker’s compensation insurance. If the assistance of another department at WPI is required for installation, such as Information Technology or Facilities, contact the department well in advance, and provide them with the completed Equipment Purchase Form. If training is needed, ask the supplier where the training will take place, if it is included in the price, and for how many users. Confirm that a manufacturer’s user manual, parts list and schematics are provided free of charge.

Maintenance and Service Agreements
Maintenance and service agreements should be negotiated with the manufacturer or authorized entity during the bid process and noted on the purchase order. The terms and conditions of the agreement include warranties, response time, exclusions, working hours, labor, and loaner equipment as part of the specified scope of work. It must be designated if the equipment will be serviced on site, or require transportation to the repair facility. If the equipment is to be transported off site, it is recommended the box or crate in which it was shipped, be retained in order to safely transport the equipment in the future.

Used Equipment
When purchasing used equipment non-competitive negotiation is acceptable. Used equipment refers to equipment which has been previously owned and utilized. It is offered for sale in “as is” condition and may or may not include a limited warranty. Demonstration or refurbished equipment is different, as it is offered and acquired through distributors or manufacturers.


Please contact Procurement Services for assistance in placing your furniture order.

Office Supplies

WPI has negotiated discounted pricing with Amazon, WB Mason, and Staples.  Place your orders for office supplies in Workday. Amazon, WB Mason, and Staples are listed as a preferred suppliers and accept electronic purchase orders.

Order Types

General Order
A general order is an order for goods or services. It can be for one or more items. The order must include a description, quantity, price and unit of measure. Inclusion of the manufacturer name, catalog and part number are highly recommended.

Standing Order
A standing order is used when the requestor and the supplier have agreed upon a fixed price, quantity, specific goods and a specific delivery schedule. For example, a supplier will deliver three cases of petri dishes, 100 x 20 mm, sterile, at $25 per case to the Biology department every Tuesday, effective July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015. Thus delivery will occur automatically once the order is placed. Applicable discounts and pre-payments must be noted on the order. A standing order usually covers a period of one year. A new purchase order will be generated at the end of each year if needed. Should unused funds remain on the existing purchase order, it will still be closed out.

When practical, the requestor should seek proposals from a minimum of three qualified suppliers and assign the purchase order based on pricing and the ability to fulfill order requirements. Standing orders are NOT to be used for the purchase of goods, as these orders are complete, and do not require multiple regularly scheduled deliveries. Standing orders are also NOT to be used for capital equipment purchases.

Blanket Order
A blanket purchase order is not line-item specific and is meant for use to consolidate repetitive purchases from a single supplier. It is available as an option for use when engaging the professional services solicited from an independent contractor or consultant. Blanket orders serve as a useful tool to manage complex or multiple year projects such as building construction and renovation. When used for construction projects, they provide an effective way to track activity, labor and materials as separate line items. It outlines the components of the project, who can place the orders, the period for which it is active, and the budgeted spend allowance. The order should include a comment stating the “Not to Exceed” dollar value for the total amount of the purchase order, as well as applicable discounts and pre-payment requirements.

Blanket orders are also useful for departments that have repetitive supply needs, and when it is known that a variety of items will be ordered, but it is not possible to forecast specific quantities or delivery dates. This type of blanket order will typically cover a period of one year. A new purchase order will be generated at the end of the term if necessary. Should unused funds remain on the existing purchase order, it will still be closed out.

As with standing orders, the requestor should seek proposals from a minimum of three qualified suppliers and assign the purchase order based on pricing and the ability to fulfill order requirements. Blanket orders are NOT to be used for capital equipment purchases.

International Orders
When it is necessary to purchase goods from an international source document review and attention to import and export requirements is critical. The supplier should provide assistance and guidance throughout the acquisition process through to delivery. The Requestor must be cognizant of shipping terms, conditions and associated cost and applicable fees before making the purchase. Insurance requirements also need to be determined beforehand for the delivery of purchased goods. The Office of General Counsel must be consulted regarding insurance

Printers & Copiers

For the lease or purchase of a printer or copier or multi-function machine please contact procurement services to discuss detailed specifications and volume requirements.

Ricoh Quotes and Ordering
Ricoh price quotations and orders are handled through Michael Brunelle, WPI’s Assistant Director of Procurement.. The Ricoh representative is also available to research your printing needs and recommend the appropriate model for your department. Ricoh service contracts cover troubleshooting, image drums and fuser replacements, etc. Service calls and toner orders can be placed online at

Please contact Michael Brunelle, Assistant Director of Procurement, regarding contracts or lease agreements.
Ricoh Representative: Peter Ryder

Networking Printers
Please contact Information Technology when purchasing and installing printers or multi-function printers on campus. Our staff will network the devices. It is important to provide IT 3 day’s prior notice for the installation of any multi-function printer.

Professional Services Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide criteria for engaging and paying an External Service Provider (i.e., consultant, including independent contractor) for Professional Services in a manner that complies with federal and state law.

Retain an External Service Provider only when the professional services skills are not available or able to be provided by a WPI Internal Area of Expertise. The Professional Services Policy includes a list of internal areas of expertise and associated contact information.

This policy applies to anyone employed by WPI wishing to contract an External Service Provider to provide Professional Services to WPI; the policy does not apply to the use of external grant funding for Professional Services.

When engaging an External Service Provider (whether classified as an Independent Contractor or an organization), depending on the value of the Professional Services, the following steps must take place:

  1. Professional Services with an estimated value of $5,000 or more require consultation with and approval by the corresponding Internal Area of Expertise


  2. Professional Services with an estimated value of $10,000 or more require adherence to the Competitive Bidding Process and the Workday Requisition process.
    Please see the Professional Services Policy for detailed information.

Purchases Requiring Special Permits

The purchase of hazardous materials, controlled substances, research animals, and laboratory/shop equipment, etc. may need approval prior to purchase. The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) staff members listed below are available to assist as needed. Please be aware such purchases are subject to Federal and/or State regulations and may have special handling and training requirements.

  • Alcohol/Specialty Solvents: A Tax Free permit is required. Approval for such orders is per the discretion of the person or department head or designee, who holds the tax free permit.
  • Controlled Substances: If an individual and/or department purchases a DEA controlled substance, they are responsible for the compliance with all regulatory requirements set forth in this federal standard.
  • Lasers: If an individual and/or department purchases a laser or equipment containing a laser, the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) needs to be notified by contacting x5216. The LSO must update the laser inventory and will be available to assist with all matters pertaining to laser safety.
  • Research Animals: You must have an active protocol which has been approved by the University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in order to work with Animals. All Animals must be ordered through WPI’s Vivarium Manager, who may be reached by calling x4125.
  • Radioactive Materials: The purchase and management of all radioactive materials is under the authority of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO may be contacted at x5216.
  • Compressed Gas Cylinders: When purchasing a compressed gas cylinder, the requestor must confirm that the vendor will accept the return of the cylinder when it is no longer needed by WPI. Under no circumstances should anyone assume disposal responsibility by WPI for a gas cylinder.
Dan Sarachick Director of Environmental Health & Safety, x 5298
Alphonse Lacouture Safety Technician x 5277
Dave Adams Radiation Safety Officer, x 5432
Paula Moravek Biosafety Officer, x 5401

Space Renovation & Improvements

The Office of Construction Services must be contacted for assistance.

Routine maintenance is scheduled through Building Services. Work order requests should be submitted on the Facilities website via SchoolDude.


Vehicle Rental
WPI has a vehicle rental program in place with Enterprise/National, our preferred vehicle rental service provider.

Our agreement is a “Business Only” Rental Program. Insurance Coverage is now included within all rental rates per this agreement. In addition, the agreement provides a Truck Rental Program which also includes Damage Waiver and Limited Liability coverage.

The E&I Contract Number is CNR01494. WPI employees log into the HUB for WPI discount code and to book directly with WPI preferred rental agency

Should you require assistance please contact our WPI representative:

Zachary Pietras, Sales Manager

Vehicle Purchase
Procurement services oversee the purchase of vehicles at WPI. Please contact procurement once you have confirmed budgeted funds are available for such an acquisition and advise if a vehicle trade will be included in the transaction. Procurement will work with you to identify the specifications that best suit your needs and will contact the appropriate supplier(s) to begin the purchase process. Assistance will be provided regarding insurance, delivery and vehicle registration.

Bids / Quotations

The competitive bidding process

All purchases over $10,000 must be bid. A minimum of two (2) competitive bids or justification for a legitimate sole source supplier are required. Please contact the procurement office for assistance with the bid process including supplier identification and selection, as well as product review and price negotiation. The Supplier Selection Form(PDF) must be completed and uploaded as an attachment to the purchase order in Workday.

WPI requires documented supplier and price competition for federal requisitions above $10,000 in accordance with Uniform Guidance §200.320. The Supplier Selection Form – Federal Funds ONLY must be completed and uploaded as an attachment to the purchase order in Workday.

Sole source guidelines

It is essential that end users consider all possible alternatives and avoid unnecessary restriction in the search for the best product, lowest cost and alternative suppliers. To waive the bid process based on the premise that only one supplier exists who can provide the specified item(s) or service, please complete page 2 of the Supplier Selection Form.

Examples of when sole source procurement is appropriate are as follows:

  • Compatibility with accessories, replacement parts or other assimilated systems is the foremost consideration.
  • A specific good or service is required and sanctioned in a grant or contract to maintain the integrity of the project.
Invoices / Payment / Prepayments

Invoices received with related purchase orders must be emailed to

For Invoices received without a related purchase order you must "Create a supplier invoice request" in Workday.

Invoice address

Supplier invoices should be sent to: Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Accounts Payable
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280

Or emailed to:

Prepayments & Deposits

Prepayments are discouraged. For purchases that require prepayment or a deposit, contact the Procurement office for instruction and approval.

PCard Purchases

PCard Application Process:

The PCard is a corporate credit card, designed to allow WPI employees and departments with flexibility for travel expenses or purchasing goods under $1,000 when a supplier is not available in Workday.

PCards are available for WPI employees who:

  • Engage in business travel, conference registrations, or booking travel for others at least three times per year.
  • Participate in business hosting, recruitment, or development activities.
  • Purchase equipment or supplies not available through a Workday supplier.
  • Pay for dues, memberships, licenses, subscriptions, and application fees (excluding IT).
  • Have completed the PCard training (add link when available) 

The business justification on the PCard application must be validated by a Supervisor and Cost Center Manager.

Please see detailed PCard procedures for further information.


Packing Slips

Packing slips are provided by suppliers, they accompany packages regardless of whether a shipment is received through a central receiving location or shipped directly to you.

The packing slip is your record of what was sent to you by the supplier and serves as a tracking mechanism. It is used to reconcile invoices by confirming what has or has not been received to prevent payment for goods or services which have not been provided. Departments must upload the packing list(s) for purchases greater than or equal to $1,000 and attach it to the related PO in Workday.

Receiving Procedures

Receipt of goods or services must be acknowledged in Workday. Discrepancies such as shortages or damages should be noted. The supplier will need to be contacted to resolve such discrepancies.

Workday Receiving Instructions

Receipt of goods or services must be acknowledged in Workday before the invoice will be paid. A three way match is necessary between the purchase order, receipt and invoice. Receiving instruction can be located here.


Incorrect or Damaged Shipments

If a shipment is received with incorrect or damaged goods, the inner and outer packing material, packing slip, and/or shipping ticket must be retained. Each will be necessary if the item(s) need to be returned or exchanged by the supplier. To ensure incorrect shipments are handled properly please abide by the following:

  • Supplier policy must be followed and proper authorization obtained.
  • The supplier should be notified immediately via phone or email, and if required in writing. This will ensure credit is issued, return authorization or replacement is provided.
  • If the goods received need to be returned to the supplier, the original packaging should be used.
  • The department should thoroughly document all associated activity. 
  • The office of procurement should be contacted to assist with disputes.

There are three basic methods used for handling returns, the purchaser shall contact the supplier and arrange for the order for each option

1. Replacement at no charge:  

  • There are two options in Workday: 1. You may enter a memo when creating the order receipt. 2. You may enter the information in the activity field of the purchase order.
  • AP will pay the original invoice, and process the credit and rebill if submitted by the supplier.

2. Return for credit only:

  • In Workday, you must first "Create a Receipt" and then "Create a Return". Be sure to enter a memo describing the event
  • AP will pay an invoice and a credit will be generated to be applied to the original PO

3. Replacement with a different item (With this scenario the rebill invoice will apply to the new PO created for the replacement item(s)):

  • In Workday, you must first "Create a Receipt" and then "Create a Return". Be sure to enter a memo describing the event
  • In Workday, create a new PO for the replacement item and use internal Memo to reference original PO number
  • AP will pay the original invoice
  • In Workday, once you receive the replacement, create the receipt of the item(s) under the new PO that was created for the replacement
  • AP will apply the credit memo to the original PO, and then pay the replacement invoice for the new item.
Tax Exemption

WPI is a 501(C) (3) Tax Exempt organization exempting the university from sales tax in states where we purchase items for use in Massachusetts. Every state has specific requirements regarding tax exempt status. Please contact the Controller’s office to obtain proper documentation.


Detailed supplier information can be found by accessing the New Supplier Registration and Preferred Suppliers tabs.

New Supplier Registration

WPI Supplier Registration

If products are not available from a pr

eferred or current supplier, new U.S. based suppliers must complete a Supplier Registration through WPI’s online form. See Add New Supplier on the WPI Hub for more information. 

Foreign Suppliers must complete a Foreign Supplier Registration Form (PDF) and attach the appropriate IRS form. Once you have the required documents for a foreign supplier, the next step is to “Create Supplier Request” in Workday. Upon approval, the new supplier will be available in Workday. 

If a purchase is subject to competitive bidding and the supplier is identified as a sole source supplier, additional documentation is required. See Bids/Quotations.

How to Become a WPI Supplier

Suppliers interested in doing business with WPI should contact procurement at Please include a summary or link outlining your products and/or services, contact information, and note all local and national purchasing cooperative agreements and affiliations.

WPI Terms and Conditions

WPI purchase orders are governed by the University's applicable standard terms and conditions which can be found. Here



Preferred Suppliers

The WPI procurement office is the only department authorized to negotiate and implement Master Agreements. These agreements are umbrella contracts related to purchases from a particular supplier and include pre-negotiated pricing, terms and conditions. Suppliers with Master Agreements are considered WPI preferred suppliers and provide the lowest price on most commonly purchased items.

There are WPI preferred suppliers with catalogs featured in Workday. All WPI buyers are strongly encouraged to use WPI preferred suppliers. Procurement encourages the purchase of environmentally friendly products and supplier diversity. WPI promotes local and regional small business participation, including women and minority-owned companies.

WPI Preferred Suppliers

WPI Preferred Local Hotel Agreements

WPI Preferred Transportation Service Agreements

Private limo/car service is only available when two or more WPI employees are included in the trip. Individual travelers should use Knight’s Limousine’s shared van service.


Q. Who do I contact when I have questions about purchasing an item?
Contact the procurement team at

Q. I created a Purchase Order in Workday, then received an invoice, what do I do with the invoice?
When there is an existing PO in Workday, and you receive the invoice(s), you do not create a supplier invoice in Workday. Email the invoice to Accounts Payable at and reference the PO number and Supplier name. 

Q. What do I do if a supplier I wish to use isn’t listed in Workday?
U.S. based suppliers must complete a Supplier Registration through WPI’s online form. See Add New Supplier on the WPI Hub for more information. 

Foreign Suppliers must complete a Foreign Supplier Registration Form (PDF) and attach the appropriate IRS form. Once you have the required documents for a foreign supplier, the next step is to “Create Supplier Request” in Workday. Upon approval, the new supplier will be available in Workday.

Q. Why do I need to consult procurement to identify a supplier when I know best what goods and services I need? 
The procurement office is a resource to assist you with identifying suppliers to obtain the best value. As the end user, you possess the utmost understanding in regards to your needs and specifications.

Q. Why do we bid on products and services? 
The bidding process is used to ensure that WPI receives the best prices for quality goods and/or services. Enabling suppliers to compete in an unbiased and open manner secures our receiving the best possible value.

Q. I understand WPI is Tax Exempt. Where do I obtain the Tax Exempt certificate?
Contact the Procurement or Controller’s office.

Q. What do I do if I want to order from eBay?
Contact the Procurement office for guidance on eBay purchasing at