Roles & Responsibilities

Each department/program/office is responsible for designating at least one primary CMS user who will maintain the content for their section of the site (in some cases this requires approval by the appropriate department head). We strongly recommend appointing a CMS backup, in case of personnel transitions or illness. This backup should be trained in Drupal and be familiar with the department's or office’s website content.

Only those who have received Drupal training will be given access to the Drupal content management system. WPI’s marketing technology team is responsible for initial training, after which CMS users may utilize various support documents and training screencasts by visiting It is the trainee’s responsibility to absorb the material, to practice what is learned in these sessions, and to utilize the training and style documents provided.

Location: Boynton Hall
Office Location: 3rd Floor
Phone: 508-831-5305

As the designated CMS user for your department/program/office, you are responsible for the following:

  • Keeping website content up-to-date and accurate, and promptly removing time-sensitive information after it expires.
  • Regularly reviewing and auditing content to ensure accuracy and relevancy. Content that is no longer relevant or current must be updated or removed from To request that a page be deleted, email
  • Ensuring web pages comply with WPI policies and standards, including web accessibility and responsive design.
  • Escalating technical support issues and requests to

Because you will be able to make changes that will instantly go live on the site, it is recommended that you have a second person review the webpage(s) content before you publish it. Be sure to check the “Spellchecker” box within the Body Text widget before submitting changes. It might not catch everything, but it's a useful tool.

What pages will I be able to update and maintain?

As part of distributed authorship, you will be granted access only to your direct department/program/office content. If you believe you need access to additional pages, or if you wish to make edits or changes to pages outside of your designated department/program, submit a ticket to
