Student Merit Pages: Frequently Asked Questions

What is Merit?

WPI uses Merit to celebrate student accomplishments and turns those achievements into an individual student Merit page — a verified online profile—for every one of our students.  All student achievement stories will also be published on the main WPI institutional Merit page. Through Merit, we’ll also share these accomplishments with students’ hometown media outlets, families, and local government representatives. Some of these accomplishments include student awards, Interactive Qualifying Project completion, Dean's List, and Commencement, among others. 



Location: Boynton Hall
Office Location: 3rd Floor
Phone: 508-831-5305

How can students use their Merit pages and what are the benefits of using it?

Merit is a verified showcase of student accomplishments and a powerful way to show the success, skills, and expertise they have gained at WPI. Students may include their Merit page URL on their resumes and share it with potential employers or graduate admissions counselors. Students can also connect Merit pages to social networks like LinkedIn, X, Instagram, and Facebook to share accomplishments with their professional network, friends, and family.

By promoting the fantastic accomplishments of WPI students in local media and on social networks, Merit helps highlight our talented students and spread the word about the valuable opportunities available on our campus.

How are student Merit pages created and how can students claim/update their page?

WPI creates and updates all student Merit pages starting in the first year of enrollment. These pages are updated when students win awards, make the Dean’s list, complete their IQPs, and more. 

Students, who wish to, can customize their Merit page by adding a profile photo, bio, videos, other activities, and work experience. 

Students should claim their Merit page by clicking the link in the email from Merit they receive in their WPI email account or by visiting WPI’s Merit page at

  1. Once on the site, type your name in the search bar at the bottom.
  2. Select your profile, and beneath your name on the next screen, click “Is this you?”
  3. Enter your WPI email address and submit the form. You should receive a confirmation email from Merit.
  4. “Claim” your Merit page by signing into your email and following the prompts. When you claim your page, you have several opportunities to select your own privacy settings and permissions.

Once students receive a welcome email from Merit notifying them of their new profile, students should log into Merit and verify their account's information. This information will be used when creating Merit stories later on. 

How are students notified when their Merit pages are created/updated?

Students will first receive a notification in their WPI email account from Merit when their profile is created, followed by a welcome email. Students will also receive an email from Merit notifying them when a new achievement has been added to their Merit page.

Students can click the link to view the achievement, update their page, share the link with others, and post it to their other profiles or websites. 

How does Merit differ from LinkedIn?

Merit is actually a great complement to LinkedIn. You can even connect your Merit page to your LinkedIn profile, if you have one. A key difference is that WPI can update your Merit page for you with your major accomplishments. When you want to share your Merit page with potential employers or others, it is already there and built for you. Plus, your Merit page achievements are verified by WPI and carry our official approval stamp.

What information is shared about students and what about privacy?

The information WPI publishes through Merit is considered “directory information” and is addressed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) “directory information” clause.

Directory information, such as your name, graduation year, activities and other publicly available facts are not required to be private according to FERPA. Directory Information is further explained on the U.S. Department of Education site here.

Your Merit Page was created for you by WPI in compliance with our FERPA policy, but you can control your privacy settings, including how people can discover your Merit page. Click here to learn more about configuring your Merit page privacy settings.

My legal/dead name is listed in my Merit profile and/or achievement story rather than my preferred/lived name. Why did that happen and how do I change it?

Due to privacy reasons, Merit Pages defaults to using students' legal/dead names in its student achievement stories and in student Merit profiles. If a student wants their preferred/lived name used in their Merit profile and achievement stories instead, they must change the name (and other information as applicable) in their account by following these directions. Students are the only ones who can lock in a name, other than their legal/dead name, in their profile. If they have questions or want to request that their name get changed within an already published achievement story, they can contact

How can students opt out?

To opt out, simply reply to the email you received from Merit and ask to be removed or follow these instructions after logging into your account. You can always opt back in to Merit at a later time. Opting-out of Merit not only removes your page from, but also prevents WPI or any other participating Merit organizations from being able to publish achievements about you in the future. Privacy settings can be customized at any time.

How can I submit a student achievement for consideration?

Faculty, staff, and others can submit news about student accomplishments via an online form for consideration to include on Merit. Please include as much information as possible on the form. Someone in WPI’s Marketing Communications division may reach out for further information, if needed. If accepted, the submission will appear on a student’s or students’ Merit page(s).

Who can I contact for more information about Merit?

Students can get answers to frequently asked questions and email Merit support staff by visiting the Student Help page: They can also contact with any questions.