Information Technology (IT) consults on campus projects.


ITS Project Requests 

If your department is planning a project that requires ITS resources or time that equals or exceeds 40 hours, please notify us using the ITS Project Intake Form. Additional information about ITS Project Requests can be found on the WPI Hub. Notifying the IT department in the early stages greatly increases the project’s success! 

In addition to partnering with departments across campus, ITS is regularly involved in projects for enterprise, security, infrastructure, and operations. Here are some highlights of our project work.

Current FY 25 ITS Projects

  • HaloITSM Enterprise Service Platform & Ticketing System
  • AI Infrastructure for Teaching and Research

Recently Completed FY 24 ITS Projects 

  • Unified Communications - Zoom Phone
  • Name Change Processes: Preferred, Legal, Username, and Email Address
  • Contingent Identity Management Process
  • Onboarding/Access Form
Office Location: Room 213 
Phone: 508-831-5136
Fax: 508-831-5483