
EHS's Hazard Communication Training, Laboratory Safety Training and Biological Safety Training are online. We are excited to be able to have our trainings be more accessible and reach the entire WPI community. Links to those trainings can be found further down the page. 

Laboratory Safety Training is a pre-requisite for online Biological Safety Training. 

We are currently working on expanding our online training library. If you require a specific training that is not available here, please reach out to us.

In addition to online training, EHS offers Biological Safety Training, Emergency Action Plan training, and CPR/AED/First Aid training in-person. Upcoming sessions can be found in the calendar below. 

Office Location: 37 Lee Street - 105B
Phone: 508-831-4603


EHS Safety Training Hub 

Trainings Available

Currently available trainings in the Hub are: 

Trainings Coming Soon

Trainings that will be available soon are: 

  • Fire Systems and Sprinkler Basics 
  • Fire Systems: Fire Extinguishers 
  • Laboratory Safety: Chemical Storage 


Which training do I take? 

Student, Employee, or Other?

EHS defines employees as individuals who are paid by the university. This includes part-time and full-time staff, faculty, and any student or graduate student who is paid by the university for work or research. 

EHS defines students or "other" as individuals who are not paid by the university. This includes volunteers, visiting scholars or researchers, or other individuals who are not on university payroll. 

What is an example training curriculum?

Glad you asked! 

Lets look at a couple different training curriculms for different individuals: 

Individual #1 (custodial)  Individual #2 (Chemistry TA) Individual #3 (MQP student in machine shop)
  • Emergency Action Plan Training 
  • Critical Incident Training 
  • Hazard Communication Training 
  • Hazardous Waste Training 
  • Bloodborne Pathogen Training 
  • Asbestos Awareness Training 
  • Emergency Action Plan Training 
  • Critical Incident Training 
  • Hazard Communication Training 
  • Hazardous Waste Training 
  • Laboratory Safety Training 
  • Hazard Communication Training 
  • Hazardous Waste Training 
  • Machine Safety Training 
  • Equipment Specific Training 
How can I figure out what my training curriculum is?

EHS created a quick and easy survey to help determine which trainings you will need to complete. 

You can access the survey here: