Radiation Health and Safeguards Committee (RHSC)

The Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Radiation, Health, and Safeguards Committee (RHSC) is dedicated to providing a safe environment for the use of radioactive material at WPI. The RHSC is comprised of representatives appointed by the administration of WPI. CGSR membership is consistent with the federal provisions of 10CFR33.13.C.1 and the state provisions of 105CMR120.127.B.3.a.

Office Location: 37 Lee Street - 105B
Phone: 508-831-4603


Current Members of the RHSC

Rob Dempski Chair rdempski@wpi.edu
Dave Adams Radiation Safety Officer dadams@wpi.edu
David Medich Member dcmedich@wpi.edu
Scarlet Shell Member sshell@wpi.edu
Daniel Sarachick Member dtsarachick@wpi.edu