Academic Programs
WPI’s use of theory and practice to approach global challenges requires immense collaboration. The East Asia Hub helps execute this approach.
The East Asia Hub promotes a robust understanding of East Asian countries. Between valuable off-campus initiatives, and a strong on-campus curriculum, the EAH assists both students and faculty in research and education; fueled by a plethora of courses related to East Asia, offered by the HUA department
Explore China-focused classes, the Chinese language, and the Chinese Minor Studies program at WPI
Currently, WPI offers beginning to advanced language classes, as well as courses on China's history, culture, politics literature, and environment. Students can fulfill their HUA Requirements through either the Chinese language or China-related content courses. In addition, they can pursue a minor in Chinese Studies, or a minor or major in International and Global Studies with a focus on China.
The China Track is offered through the Department of Humanities and Arts (HUA) with the following options:
- The Chinese Language Course Path offers 12 courses from Elementary Chinese to Advanced Chinese; any sequential 6 Chinese language courses (which can include AP credit or retroactive high school credit for one course) can fulfill the HUA requirement. Why learn Chinese at WPI?
- The Chinese Studies Course Path lets students develop a thematic approach to their HUA Requirement and fulfill both breadth and depth requirements by taking 5 courses and an inquiry seminar that all focus on China/East Asia. Courses can be from any HUA discipline: History, Philosophy, Literature, Music, or Language (with some limitations). This track requires approval.
- The Chinese Studies Minor offers students the opportunity to extend their study of China and the Chinese Language beyond the HUA Requirement. This minor requires an intermediate or above language proficiency, along with content courses on Chinese history, philosophy, environment, and society and culture. Why choose a Chinese Studies Minor?
- The Standard Depth/Breadth Path enables students to fulfill their depth in China-related classes in either history or philosophy (depth is made up of 3 or 4 courses) and breadth in whatever disciplines students wish (breadth is made up of 1 or 2 courses). Students will then take an inquiry seminar in their depth's corresponding discipline.
For questions related to then Chinese Language Course Path, contact Prof. Wen-Hua Du ( or request a language placement appointment. For questions related to the Chinese Studies Course Path, Chinese Studies Minor, and Standard Depth/Breadth Path, please contact Prof. Jennifer Rudolph ( for consultation.
Explore Japanese language at WPI
WPI offers courses on Japan's history, culture, and international relations. In 2022, WPI received a two-year UISFL Grant (Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language) to support the offering of 4 experimental Japanese courses: JP100X Elementary Japanese I, JP110X Elementary Japanese II, JP120X Elementary Japanese III, and JP2001 Intermediate Japanese I for academic years 2023-2025. Students can fulfill their HUA Requirements through Japan-focused class and Japanese language at WPI in two ways:
- Japanese Studies Course Path: WPI currently offers 4 experimental course sequences from Elementary Japanese I to Intermediate Japanese I. Students can complete their HUA Requirements by taking the 4 Japanese language courses and 2 Japan-related courses offered in HUA.
- Standard Depth/Breadth Path: Students can fulfill their depth (comprised of 3 or 4 courses) in history, philosophy, or religion, and their breadth (comprised of 1 or 2 courses) in any HUA discipline they want. Students will then take an inquiry seminar corresponding to their depth's discipline.
For questions related to a standard depth/breadth path, contact Prof. Jennifer Rudolph ( for consultation.
Programs with Chinese Universities
Tsinghua University Exchange Program: WPI students can spend a semester at Tsinghua University. Located in Beijing, Tsinghua is one of the world's most preeminent universities, and often referred to as China's MIT. Classes are offered in English and Chinese. If interested, contact Professor Jianyu Liang ( for more information.
Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) 3+1+1 Program: BUCT, a national key university in China, and WPI have a "3+1+1 Early Entry Master's Program Agreement." Under this cooperative program, undergraduate students from BUCT, after completing three years of study at BUCT, can gain entry to WPI to complete their last year of undergraduate study, as well as complete a one-year master's degree.

Project Centers in East-Asia
As a part of WPI's signature global projects program, our undergraduate students make an impact in communities at a variety of world-class project with ties to key Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese regions. Each year, new teams of bright and motivated students travel to these centers to immerse themselves in new cultures, connect with local students, and take on real-world challenges in the critical zone where science and technology meet business needs, social issues, and cultural norms. For more information on the East-Asian project centers, visit our Project Centers page.
Student Spotlight

Finding Harmony in Music and Asian Studies
Katelyn Krajenka, '11, first came to WPI to pursue her love for music. She soon discovered that she could use this passion to construct a personally-designed major in International Studies, and use her music background to nurture a culturally-enriched perspective on China
China Modules for STEM
WPI incorporates China-related case study modules into its STEM and Business curriculum to bring China to campus and to broaden perspectives through comparative analysis. Modules demonstrate the importance of societal and political context in real-life STEM and Business issues and help foster global analysis of issues.